chapter 5

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Camila ran her hands through her hair and she sighed, settling on Michelle's couch waiting for the drink that Michelle had gone to make in the kitchen. It'd been two weeks since Y/N Y/L/N had spoken with her and Shawn in her living room.

Two weeks that had done nothing but increase her anger. 

Two weeks without work, not a single sketch.

Camila was furious.

She couldn't believe that that woman had asked for such a thing and if Shawn wanted to save his company they were forced to accept the proposal. His agency was winding down and no matter how much the boy was struggling to find another investor,things were moving slowly or it was better to say that they did not move at all.

Camila shook her head and decided to dismiss the thought at least for now.

Michelle came back a few seconds later, her glass of lemonade in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. She handed it to Camila with a small smile and sat in front of her.

Camila sipped on her drink, without realizing that something was wrong with Michelle and she gave her an encouraging smile, ready to hear all the news.

“Then? What did the doctor say?” She asked curiously.

Michelle ran her fingertips on the edge of the mug. “It's a girl.” she said with a small smile.

"That's amazing!” Camila said with excitement but her eyebrows furrowed when she saw that her friend did not seem to share that same opinion. “Or not?” She asked, confused. “Michelle... is everything alright?”

Michelle looked up, her eyes full of sadness, Camila quickly got up and sat down beside her taking her hand.

“What did the doctor say? Is something wrong with the child?”

Michelle shook her head and took a shaky breath, trying to organize her thoughts but Marcus walked in. Camila looked genuinely confused, he was supposed to be at work but the thing that left her completely speechless was what he was wearing.

“Camila.” He greeted smiling warmly, before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Okay, what's going on?” Camila asked with furrowed brows. “Actually, no, let's go step by step: the little girl is all right?” When Michelle just nodded, Camila spoke again with much less weight on her heart. “Okay, good. Now, why is Marcus here at this time and why is he wearing that uniform?”

“Shawn didn't tell you?” Michelle asked blank.

“Tell me what? What the hell is going on?”

Marcus went back into the living room, a bottle of water in one hand and an apple. Camila glanced at him and the boy smiled at her again but there was clearly something different in his attitude.

“Shawn didn't say anything to her.” Michelle murmured.

“I can't blame him.” Marcus replied, walking to the couch before speaking again. “They have made some redundancies, Camila.” he began. “They fired about fifty people, mostly young and I was one of them.”

Camila's eyes widened and she moved her gaze between the two,in complete disbelief. Shawn hadn't told her anything and when she asked questions about what was happening, he just smiled and said: 'Everything is alright.'

Apparently that wasn't true since Marcus, one of his most promising publicists, had just been fired, leaving him without a job and with a child on the way. She looked at his clothing and everything was much more clear.

“And you've found a job as a janitor.” she murmured.

“Security guard.” He corrected her. “Hey, it's not bad, okay? Yes, I do night shifts but the pay is good and right now is what we need.”

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