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It was late when y/n had slipped into the bed, returning from a business trip that had kept her away from home for almost a month and Camila simply whispered. “Welcome back” with a voice hoarse from sleep.  When she woke up the next morning, her forehead was resting against y/n's back and she smiled kissing tenderly her backbone. It had been almost a month since they had seen each other and Camila decided she wanted to enjoy that moment as long as possible.

Y/n had made land her company in Europe and she was due to go in person to sign the contract to start the branch office, which was being launched in Copenhagen in a few weeks. From the few details that y/n had given her on the phone, the negotiations had gone for long but finally the y/l/n Corporation had opened the first of many European venues.

Camila would have been lying if she said she wasn't proud of her wife. She gave her another kiss on theback as she assessed the options for the day: it was their anniversary and y/n had worked so hard to get back in time to celebrate. Camila had planned the whole day, there were many things that would certainly take away all the stress of that long month. But at that moment Camila could only think of one way to start their morning, so she slipped her hand casually on y/n's naked abdomen slowly stroking it. She smiled when her fingers touched the nipple and she felt y/n move in her sleep, so she leaned tenderly to kiss her neck, inhaling the smell of her hair.

“Hmm...” y/n murmured still half asleep.

“Good morning and happy anniversary, my love.” Camila whispered, leaving her abdomen and running along her thigh.

“Good morning to you.” she answered with her voice still hoarse from sleep as she settled better on the pillow. “Happy Anniversary.”

Camila pushed aside a few hair from her face and kissed her shoulder. “I've got some nice presents for you.” she said.

“Yeah?” y/n asked, feeling the kiss on her neck and then the kiss on her jaw.

“I want to give you one now.” Camila muttered.

The hoarse voice of her wife sent a shiver down y/n's spine so, short of words, she just nodded, feeling Camila gently bite her shoulder, before placing her on her own back and sitting on her hips. Camila was beautiful, y/n thought, her hair messed up for sleep, brown eyes still clouded and sweet smile that was reserved only for her. Y/n quickly ran her hands over Camila's bare thighs, stroking her with reverence.

“I missed you.” Camila whispered, stroking her chest.

“You too.” y/n whispered.

“I'm glad you're back for our anniversary.” Camila said. "Today will be a long day but it’s worth it, I promise.” she continued resting her fingers on the buttons of y/n's shirt that she used to wear as pajamas. “Now... do you have any idea of what could be one of your presents?”

Y/n stared at the breathtaking beauty of her wife but when the words reached her brain, she remembered the promise they had made. “I thought we agreed on the policy of no gifts.” y/n pointed out. “I did not get you anything.”

Camila began to unbutton the first buttons, perfectly noticing the way y/n licked her lips and she smiled. “Let's say that this is a special present.” she said. “Are you telling me you don't like it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and moving her hands away.

Y/n shook her head and ran her fingers along Camila's bare thighs in a gentle caress. “I like this present.” she asserted, moving her palms up and down on the warm skin.

"Well, my love, if you're a good girl, I can let you play with this present..." Camila  murmured picking up where she left off, making run the fabric over her shoulders, looking at her intently, before getting rid of it quickly.

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