Chapter 1 // Claimed

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Kara runs through the mud, her boots are slowly getting dirtier by the minute. Her cape is brown from the mud, but she needs to follow those monsters. To kill their Queen. Kara is completely against killing but the people in National City are in danger and that's something that can't happen. It just can't. And a myth said that if you killed the Queen all vampires would die. And that is a risk Kara needs to take. She needs to end this bloodshed.

Following those creatures on the ground was a smart move. Otherwise she would probably have lost them. But now she is running towards them because they... stopped? This can't be good. When she comes closer she hears something behind her. She gets pulled into a halt by two persons grabbing her arms and yanking her backwards. 

She groans when she hits the ground, a person in front of her stands towering over her. "Veronica, come help. We need to bring her to our friend." And with that Kara gets pulled up and dragged to whatever place they have in mind. Kara tries to get loose to no avail. They just keep dragging. Two strong hands on each arm. She probably weighs nothing for them but they do hold her pretty tight. They know who she is...

And that actually scares the Girl of Steel. It also scares her that she has no idea what these Vampires will do to her. Drink from her? Use her? What... will they do? When Kara looks up again she sees a castle... are they bringing her to the Queen? Hopefully. 

When she is finally inside and the door closed behind her a person walks towards her. The two women drop her on the ground so Kara quickly stands up, but gets pushed to her knees by the woman who just stood in front of her. With a flick of her wrist the other two are gone. The woman in front of her is absolutely stunning, eyes like kryptonite, skin pale but not as pale as snow but her hair is this raven black. Clothes like a badass. Pants with a leather jacket... Just stunning. Breathtakingly stunning. Kara opens her mouth to say something but that monster beats her to it "Not yet, Kara Zor-El."

Kara looks dumbfounded at the woman and rushes out "How do you know that! That's impossible." The vampire chuckles and places a hand lifting Kara's head "Ripp nahn jolum." (You are mistaken) She caresses Kara's cheek. Kara just tries to move out of the other persons hold but can't. "How is that possible!" Kara exclaims "When you have lived as long as I have you learn a lot." Kara gulps and it hits her she whispers "The vampire Queen." The vampire queen just nods and says "Magdalena Evangeline Luthor but they refer to me as Lena."

Kara slowly nods and Lena still caresses her cheek which is strange so Kara gulps her saliva down again and asks "What do you want from me?" Lena looks with this loving look, but that can't she is a monster. She doesn't have a soul. "What's rightfully mine, where I have waited centuries for." 

"And what's that?" Lena smiles a little and says "You." "Me!?!" Exclaims Kara, Lena just chuckles and says "Yes, darling, you. My soulmate. The love of my life. You are mine as I am yours." Kara just nods, she can't trust her voice yet. Lena continues again "Of course there are two sides to the story. You could be my everything or my end. I will give you eternity or a loveless life. What do you choose?" Kara tries to look down but Lena makes sure she can't.

Kara stammers out "I- I don't know." Lena tilts her head and asks again "What do choose Kara Zor-El? Everything or nothing?" Kara sighs and says "Everything." Lena grins "Good." And with that she captures Kara's lips with her own. Kara is shocked and pulls back and spits on the ground "No, no. I can't... we can't. No you are a murderer."

Lena looks confused but regains herself within seconds "Kara, darling. I am your everything as you are mine. Give in. You also feel this connection," And Rao she does, it urges her to kiss, to feel Lena. To do things with her she never thought she would do with anybody. But she quickly shakes her head 'no' "I know you do feel it, don't lie to me. I see it in the way your eyes sparkle, how your heartbeats and how your breathing changes when I speak. So Kara give in. Kiss me."

Oh boy, that's exactly what Kara does. She stands up, since she is given the room, and captures Lena's lips with her own. She smiles into the kiss because this feels good. Their lips just moves perfectly in sync. Polar opposites. The sun and the moon. The one warm and alive the other cold and dead.

But it feels good, on both sides it feels good. Perfect you even may say. Lena moves her hands around Kara's neck and Kara moves her hands to Lena's hips. But when Kara asks for access to Lena's mouth she is given it. She slowly moves her tongue over Lena's fangs which makes Lena shudder. It was a long time ago that she did that. But right now it feels too good on both sides.

Suddenly Kara's back is against something hard. A crack is heard which makes Kara part. She turns around and looks at the crack in the wall behind her and chuckles. Lena quickly asks "Did I hurt you?" Kara looks at Lena and shakes her head and places a kiss on top of the shorter woman's face. "No, you didn't but that you for your concern." Lena just nods and asks "You- You have to tell me when I hurt you, you are my real first person that I want to kiss and not hurt. I know we can't hurt you with you being Kryptonian and all... but a wall-"

Before she can talk further her lips are connected with Kara's again. But is just only a quick peck. "I don't get hurt that easily. No worries." Lena takes a step away and asks "May I have your left hand darling?" Kara does as asks and Lena grabs something out of her back pocket. A ring. She slips it on Kara's ring finger who just looks flabbergasted. When Lena looks up she chuckles and says "Well, my fiancee. Now we are almost whole."

A/N I will continue when I finish my other story. But until then ideas and prompts are welcome. (For this story)

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