Bill's House

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     Eddie walked out of his house and saw Richie sitting on his front yard. He was cradling his skateboard and smiling. Eddie sighed. "What now?"

     "Bill's back." He said, standing up.

     Eddie lifted his head up. "Really? He's better now?"

     "Yeah. But I know he mentioned something about It..."

     "Let's not focus on that." Eddie said quickly. "I just want to talk to him."

     Richie stepped one foot onto his skateboard and leaned down. "Hop on."

     Eddie stood on the skateboard and wrapped his arms around Richie. "There's no way I'm going to ride on your back."

     "You have a cast protecting your arm, you're fine."

     Eddie sighed and climbed on Richie and held on tight. They went down the hill to go to the Denbrough house. Richie stopped the skateboard and let Eddie down. He ran up to the front door and knocked. Bill stepped out, his hair a mess and his skin pale. He smiled. "Eddie!"

     Eddie hugged him and fixed his fanny pack. "You're back."

     "I-I was n-n-ever gone." He said with a smile.

     "You were inside the whole beginning of summer." Richie said, adjusting his round glasses. "You better?"

     Bill nodded, not wanting to talk and stutter. Eddie looked back at Richie. "Richie got a skateboard... I need you to talk some reason into him."

     "A-a-are you t-t-two-"

     "No." Eddie interrupted.

     Richie stepped forward and smiled crookedly. "You should let him talk."

     Bill looked at Eddie as he looked back at Richie and grunted. Richie smirked and looked into his eyes. "Y-Y-ou are." He grinned.

     "I'm straight!!!!" Eddie yelled loudly.

     "You certainly didn't think that last ni-"

     "Shut the hell up, Richie!"

     Bill walked back into the house. "W-w-w-we sho-ould go to m-m-y room."

     Eddie growled and followed Bill into the house. Richie had a sly smirk on his face as he followed him. Bill went into his room and shut the door behind them. He sat down on his bed and looked at Richie and Eddie standing next to each other awkwardly. "I swear, Richie doesn't know what he's talking about."

     Bill smiled. "Eddie. It's okay."

     Richie held him close to him and smiled. "See Eds? You can be gay around him."

     "I'm not gay." He whispered.

     Richie kissed the side of his cheek and his face went bright red. He pushed him away and turned his face away from Bill. "He's gay." Richie said confidently.

     "Fine, I'm gay." He said quietly.

     "What? Didn't hear that."

     Eddie crossed his arms and spoke up. "I'm gay."

    "F-f-for Richie?" Bill asked.

     Richie grinned. "Everyone is gay for me." And touched his crotch.

     "God, Richie." Eddie rolled his eyes and tried to avert his eyes from Richie's crotch.

     Bill smiled contently at his friends.

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