Ice Cream

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Eddie woke up with his face on his comic. He wiped his mouth and pushed it away. He was still on the ground. Richie was lying next to him, a comic on his face. Eddie blinked and parted his lips. He wanted to wake Richie, but he looked too peaceful. His Hawaiian shirt was off and Eddie saw the small muscles in his arms. He looked around the room, trying to remember what happened. Their shoes were by the door and a bunch of comics were scattered around. He remembered Richie coming home with him and reading comics. Lately they'd been so tired from battling It, that sleep found itself in them at the strangest of times.
Richie rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. He groaned and saw a blurry Eddie. "Eds?"
"We fell asleep while reading." He said.
Richie looked around. "Where the hell are my glasses?"
"You threw them at my wall when your favorite character died." Eddie said, struggling at getting up. He walked to his wall and picked up Richie's glasses. He handed them to him and sat down.
Richie put them on slowly and blinked a few times. Eddie became clearer and he smiled. "Thanks, Eds."
"Don't call me Eds."
Richie laughed and got up. He scratched his arm and yawned. He tripped on his Hawaiian shirt and fell to the ground. Eddie pressed his hand against his mouth to stifle the giggles. "Fuck." He cursed.
Eddie pressed his other hand over Richie's mouth and put his index finger to his lips. "Eddie, baby? Are you okay?"
"Yes, momma!" He called back. He glared at Richie.
Richie smirked underneath Eddie's hand and stuck out his tongue. Eddie shrieked and rubbed the palm of his hand against his shirt. "Gross, Richie!"
Richie cackled and rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand. "Like you didn't like that."
     Eddie went red. "W-What?"
     Richie got closer and stared into Eddie's eyes. "You like," he licked Eddie's neck and his back stiffened. "My tongue."
     Eddie bit his lip and swallowed a soft moan. "Go home, Richie. You're tired."
     Richie stood up and put on his Hawaiian shirt. "Alright." He slurred, rubbing his eyes. He grabbed his skateboard and stumbled out of his room.
     Eddie hoped he would stay awake long enough to get home safely. He touched the spot on his neck that was still wet. "Ugh." He groaned as he saw a bump rising in his pants. "Here we go again."

     Eddie was eating ice cream on a bench the next day, small drips rolling off the cone and onto his hand. Richie rose over the hill on his skateboard, another Hawaiian shirt around him. He saw Eddie and smiled. "'Sup, Maystar Gay!" He said.
     Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm not gay."
     Richie sat down next to him. He flipped his hair back. "So if I kissed you right now there won't be a little friend in your pocket?"
     Eddie's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Richie took the opportunity to press his mouth against his. He slipped his tongue in Eddie's mouth and pressed his hand against his side. Eddie arched his back and dropped his ice cream on the ground. Richie leaned back and looked at Eddie's pants. There was a bump already forming. He smiled contently. "Gay."
     "I'm not-"
     "How come I felt your tongue answering back, then?"
     Eddie stood up and pulled down his shirt. "I'm going home. You need some sleep, Richie." He said before turning back to walk home. A small smile crept onto his face as he walked.

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