The End of it All

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ahhhh, i know i know i haven't updated in i don't even know how long... months? i think it was august and it's march now... oops... anyway! here it is! i know i left you guys on a cliffhanger but i finally finished it! enjoy:

     Richie grabbed Eddie's wrist and pulled him behind him as he stared up at It. He knew he was about to die, but there was no way he was going to let Eddie die first. He spun around and looked into Eddie's fear-filled eyes and drew him into a passionate yet quick kiss before pushing him away from It. Eddie yelped as he stumbled back through the sewer water.
     Richie grabbed a plank of wood and flipped it in his hand. "Come on you dumb fuck!"
     "Richie, no!"
     It giggled and screeched as it lunged at Richie. He ducked and stuck the plank into It's stomach. It screamed and clawed his back. He clenched his teeth and pulled the plank out, smacking it against It's head. It crawled back and changed into spider with multiple human heads. It's mandibles snipped at him and the drooling heads drooled and gnashed their teeth together, hungry for his blood. "What are you waiting for?" It teased him.
     "Richie, please!" Tears streamed down Eddie's face as he screamed for his lover. "You'll die!"
     "Eddie, go! Now!" He screamed as he whacked It's spider legs. "Please, I love you!"
     Eddie refused to leave. It crawled back again and shifted into Eddie, looking identical to him. His big eyes and brown hair with his fanny pack and cast. "Richie?" It whispered.
     Richie couldn't move. He stared at It as Eddie and fell to his knees. "Don't."
     "Richie, I love you. I always have. I don't care what they say, I love you." It cooed.
     Richie continued to cry as he heard the words he always wanted to hear come from Eddie's mouth, even if it was only It. Before he knew it, It had shifted into Pennywise the Clown and slammed It's long claws through Richie's chest. Blood spurted from his chest and dripped down It's claws. "No!" Eddie screamed. "Fuck fuck fuck no!"
     Pennywise grinned and opened It's mouth before swallowing Richie's head whole. Eddie willed himself to turn and run from his lover bleeding into the sewer water. After hours of running, knowing It hadn't followed in order to finish off Richie, he found a spec of light. He ran into the ladder and rubbed his head before quickly climbing up. The light hit him and he sobbed as he stumbled through the woods and into the streets of Derry. Bill and Bev were walking on the sidewalk while Bill quietly cried over the death of his secret lover. They quickly turned their heads when they saw Eddie's bloody body shaking on the sidewalk. He dropped to the ground as Bill and Bev rushed to him.
     "What the f-f-fuck!"
     Eddie sobbed loudly, his head tilted up to the sky. "It," he screamed, "It got him! I knew It would, that's why I loved him as much as I could!" He buried his head in his blood-soaked hands. "We loved each other, we knew we didn't have much time before... before..."
     "Before what, Eddie?"
     He looked up at them with his traumatized eyes. "Before It took us."

The End

Hope you guys enjoyed!! Sorry for the unhappy ending but Stephen King never ended It on a good note so why end Before It Takes Us happily? Hope you guys aren't too mad hehe but thanks for all the love and support! Hope you enjoyed!!

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