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     Richie felt warm water swirl around his body. His elbows and feet occasionally met with rocks and the bottom of the river. He was unconscious though, so he couldn't feel anything. His lungs were slowly filling with water and his glasses were nowhere to be found. Echoed shouts rippled through the water and traveled to his ears. It didn't matter, he was almost dead. It'll all fade away soon enough.

      "Richie!!" Eddie screamed again, tears falling down his face. "Why the hell would you do that?! You can't just throw someone into a river!" He stepped closer to them, rage filling his body. "Who the fuck do you think you are?! Trying to wreck people's lives and make them feel dead inside before you make them dead on the outside! I hope you rot in hell! You fucking sonsofbitches! I swear to god if you killed Richie I will kill you! I l-" he paused and took a deep breath. "I love him."
     Henry just stood there, surprised by the little teenager's tone and confidence. He took a step back and turned to Vic. "Let's go, don't need to waste time on a fag." His voice shook but stayed deep and certain.
     Eddie watched them leave and turned to the river. "God help me." He whispered before unhooking his fanny pack. He took off his shirt and jumped into the river. The strong current swept him through, but he kept his head above water.

     Richie was hanging closer to the edge of death. His body was limp, traveling with the current. A hand gripped his leg. He was jolted out of the water and flung onto land. He felt pressure against his chest and the water rose from his lungs and out of his mouth. He gasped and opened his bloodshot eyes to see Eddie, hovering over him with tears flowing down his face. Or water... he couldn't tell. Everything was blurry and slightly dark.

     Eddie smiled at the sight of Richie's open eyes. He moaned and moved his hand to Eddie's hand. Eddie took it and brushed away Richie's crazy hair. "I almost lost you."
     "Hmmmm..." was all Richie could force out.
     He touched his face and smiled. "Don't die, Richie."
     "I love you." He bent down and kissed him. "Don't call me Eds."

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