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   Julia stared at the gym floor. Her vision was going black and she felt the colour drain from her face. She tried to focus on the game. She was goalie. Now keep In mind, Julia wasn't the most favoured person in the school. Actually she was quite the opposite.
     She was the goalie. The aim was to get the dodge ball and make it hit the target that she stood in front of. They had already hit her repeatedly. Most likely to leave a bruise each time they hurt her fragile skin.
     The next thing she knew she slammed into the target. The hall hit her square in the face. She felt her Nose start to bleed. Out of the three goalies on her team why did they chose to throw it at her? She wiped her nose with her shirt sleeve and stood to her feet. She immediately saw blackness for a few seconds. The game kept going. No one took notice to her.
     A boy walked up to the target. He smirked. "Why did they choose to put you as goalie?" He asked and slammed the ball at her.
    Julia caught the hall but the force sent her onto he target again. He was out. She caught the ball. He glared and flipped her off as he went to sit down. She straightened and dropped the ball.
The coach blew her whistle and ended class. Julia made her way to the locker room and hanged quickly. She went through the day in a blur much like yesterday.
     She didn't know what layer ahead for her day.
    Julia found herself at the dinner table with her family. She picked her food but didn't eat it.
     Her grandmother got a call. Julia strained to listen. "Kayly, Maria, Sarah..... Mother took them.... don't know... they are." She heard.
Her heart dropped. Her grandmother set the phone down a little while later. Julia's fears were confirmed. Her babies were taken. Their mother took them and they don't know where she is. Legally she can't take them. They live with Julia. They go to school here in this town. Their mother took them illegally. She has no custody.
Julia felt her head pound. The bit of food she did eat pounded inside her. Her head swirled and she felt hot and cold at the same time. She grabbed her phone and ran up to room. She tried to call Aliya. Her life. Her blessing. She didn't answer so she texted her the details. Julia ran downstairs and paced the floor. Everyone had left to find The kids and go to the police. She felt sick and the strong urge to purge cake over her. Her blessing willed her not too. Julia couldn't stop herself.
She ran to the bathroom and stuck her finger down her throat. She gagged and clenched her fists together. She gagged and the food inside her released. She coughed and her head swam. She leaned on the wall. She felt a little better. She cleaned up and dug under the sink for something. She pulled out the package. Her laxatives. She had a feeling they would come in handy over the next few days.
Julia stood up and returned to the kitchen. She finished her dishes and the chores and fell into the couch. She wasn't usually allowed in this couch but right now she could care less. She let the tears fall.
Her babies were taken. She had no idea where they were. She clenched her hand to her stomach and curled into a ball. She gasped and sobbed.
The door opened. She got off of the couch and wiped her tears away. Her sister walked in. She gave her a strange look and walked upstairs.
Julia swayed slightly and looked at the ground. Her babies were taken and there was a potential chance she would never see them again. She knelt to the floor and laid her head on her hands. She took a breath. She couldn't loose these kids. They were her life. She wouldn't be here if not for them.
She let the sobs return. She needed her babies. They were gone and the police wasn't doing anything.

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