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"Cesar, Oscar said to stay why can't you listen to him for once." I said to my boyfriends brother. "I can take care of my self Cecilia. I'll be back before you know it." He says kissing my head. I let out a sigh as I watch tv. Scrolling through channels.

I see a deck of cards and smile. I take it outside on the porch to a table. "Aye Julio wanna Play Speed?" I smirked as he did the same. "How much you wanna bet?" He asked. I think about it "five bucks and..." I trail off as I run inside and grab my Coca Cola gummies. "And my last pack of gummies." I say as he jumps up.

"Let's do this." He says as he approaches. "What are you putting in?" I asked. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out two hundreds. "Damn you think that highly of yourself?" I chuckled. He shrugs and smirks "what can I say I'm just that good." He says.

I deal out the cards and set the game up. "Which side?" I asked. He picked the one on his left as I picked the one on my left. "Ready. Go." I say as we flip them over at the same time.

*After Game*

"Haha Loser." I say as I take his two hundred dollars and my five and gummies back. "Yeah whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Hey!" We heard  and look up. It was Oscar, he was mad. I gave a confused look as he came onto the porch and basically dragged me by my arm. "Aye Oscar!" I yelped. He took me into his room.

As he threw me on the bed and he slammed his door shut. "What the hell." I yelled at him angrily. "No you what the hell Cecilia." He says pissed. "What were you thinking?" He says frustrated. I gave a confused look "I was playing Speed with Julio not that big of a deal." I say defending myself. He started pacing around the room back and forth in front of me.

"Use your damn head CeciliA." He says touching his head and getting in my face. He's never like this as I backed up scared as hell. "You can't be out there." He says still mad. "I'm still at the house am I not?" I say. "That's not the point, they could come here at anytime. You're safer in the house." He says. I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry okay?" I say looking down at the floor.

He lets out a sigh. "No I'm sorry." He says and sits on the edge of the bed. "Mira." He says quietly. "Ceci." He started. "I think it's best we stop." He said. I was confused "what are you talking about?" I asked. "I think it's time we stop seeing each other." He said. I couldn't help but laugh. "You're joking right?" I asked as he didn't move but just sat there not saying anything.

"You're being serious?" I scoffed "Oscar where is this coming from?" I asked. He shook his head. "It's not safe for you Cecilia." He says as I couldn't help but scoff again. "After all these years and you want to stop because I was held at gunpoint?" I asked. He stood up and bursted out "yes! Exactly!" He says startling me. He let out a sigh and calmed down.

"It hurts me to even think about this Lia" he says looking down at the floor. "Than don't, because I'm still here." I say as I see his eyes get glossy. "Lia I can't." He says as he breaks down. I've never seen him so torn apart. "Oscar But I love you." I choke out as I try to go to comfort him he turns away. "That's the thing, I cant love you anymore." He finally chokes out. Not even making eye contact with me, as I felt my heart break.

I couldn't let it show. "Who says you can't?" I asked him. He didn't say anything as he looked up at me. I shook my head as tears came down my face. "You don't have to love me. Just know I do." I said kissing his cheek. "I'll see you later than."  I say running out and grabbing my stuff. As tears trailed down my face. "Cecilia!" I hear but I don't turn back I keep running till I get to my house.

I open the door and I see my mom. "Mija." She says running to me and embracing me into a hug. I couldn't help but cry in her arms. "Que pasa?" She asked. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head no. "What's wrong then?" She asked worriedly. Than I looked behind her to see she's getting things ready for Olivia's Quince.

I shake my head "nothing." I say. "Don't lie to me." She says pointing her finger at me. I giggle "I'm okay mama." I say kissing her cheek as I go into my room. As I look at my phone to see that I had miscalls from Oscar. Many messages. I shook my head as I placed my phone down and just cried. I didn't want anything to do with him right now.

Why now? He all of a sudden does this now?

*Later that day*

"Ceci have you seen ce?" She pauses as she sees me crying. Yes I've been crying all day. "Are you okay? Oh my God what happened?" She asked worriedly. I shake my head as I sit up in my bed. "Nada. Es nada." I say trying to reassure her. "Ceci." She says as she comes and embraces me in a hug. "Please tell me what's wrong." She says. "Oscar and I broke up." I said through my tears.

She brings me in for another hug. "I'm sorry." She says. I shake my head "no it's not your fault." I said wiping my tears away as I get up from my bed. Her Quince is in two days I can't be so pity about me right now. "Don't worry about me Liv. You need to worry about your Quince." I said than her face goes sad. "Que pasa? What happened? I thought Abuelita made your dress?"I asked her.

"Yes she did, but." Then she paused. "I'm just worried about Cesar. Nobody has seen nor heard from him since this morning." She says worriedly. "Hold up." I said as I grab my phone and go through the millions of texts from Oscar. "He's safe, Oscar took him to the beach." I said. "Oh thank God." She says letting out a sigh of relief. I nod my head as she thanks me. I weakly smiled as I got up.

I'm grateful for Olivia, but the person I vent to was Gabby. So I knocked on his and Jacobs door. *knock knock*

"Who is it?" I heard Gabe's voice. "Ceci." I respond. "Come in." He says. I open the door to reveal a bunch of boys, all of Gabe's friends, playing video games. "Oh um Gabby." I said "yeah?" He says not looking up from his game. "Why hello there." A dude said, he was white, I've never seen him before. "What's your name gorgeous?" He asked biting his lip. I rolled my eyes "Taken." I said

Than I realized I wasn't. "Well I was." I said sadly looking down then back up. "What do you mean was?" Gabe said. "We broke uup." I stuttered. "Here Jordan you play." He says handing him the controller as he takes me into my room.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly. "He said I wasn't safe anymore, that we can't be together." I said crying now. He just pulls me into a hug and holds me. "Perdon Lia." He says. As I just cry even more.


"Hello?" He said and there was a long pause. "It's for you." He says giving me his phone as he walks out. "Hello?" I said because it was an unknown number.

Unknown: Princesa *sighs*

Me: *sighs* what do you want?

Oscar: please understand why.

Me: how am I supposed to when we've been through more than this?

Oscar: you were held at gunpoint*yelling*

Me: and what?! I trust you Oscar. Why can't you trust me?

Oscar: I can't trust myself Cecilia! *sighs* ever since I got locked up, I was worried sick about you. Who was gonna look out for you? Who was gonna be there for you when you needed to be saved? I couldn't be there Ceci. *voice cracks*

Me: *tears fall down* Baby, look I'm here still am I not? *smiles* and that's because of you.

Soon the door opens to reveal Oscar. I had tears in my eyes as his were kinda glossy. I hung up the phone as Gabe came and took it. "I'll leave you two alone." He says as he closed the door. Oscar standing at the edge of my bed. "Im not safe mi amor." He says. "Baby. Sit." I say he comes over to me and sits down next to me and starts crying.

I hold him in my arms as he still cries. I kiss his head as I ask him "how long have we been together Oscar?" It was quiet for a bit. "Seven years." He answers. "Now tell me amor, do you really think if you weren't safe I would have stuck around with you for all these years? You don't have to trust yourself because I trust you." I say as I held him in my arms and laid down with him.

"I love you Oscar, and nothing will make me stop loving you." I say. "Te Amo mi amor." He says kissing my hand. A tear slipped from my face as I embraced him in a hug. "Hey Ce-." Ruby says. "Get out." I said as he instantly turned the other way and walked out.


I Can't Love You | Oscar Diaz {COMPLETE} Where stories live. Discover now