Kim Heechul Toothache

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Author : rineolus
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2012
Author notes : i'm just bored

"What's your problem?" He looked around and checked each of his members' faces. Kibum, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk were both trying to cover something on their faces while the rest of the members, except for Hankyung were all seated on the floor with frustated looks written all over their faces. The Chinese man, on the other hand, was just standing right beside that very familiar dorr. "Why are you all slacking there? And where did you get those black eyes?" He eyed the three men who just tried to cover their faces even more. "Did you fight again?"

"Tsk, how I wish we really did just punch each others faces." It was Kyuhyun, sarcastic as ever.

"Then where did you get those bruises?"

No one dared to answer his question, instead, all thirteen men just pointed at the closed door behind him.

"Hyung had gone mad." Ryeowook muttered after hiding himself behind his knees.


"Toothache." Someone finally spoke up, not with a very clear accent though, but at least it was clearer than what the other members said - it was Hankyung. "He's always like that when he's having a toothache. I warned them but they didnt listen, look at what they got...blackeyes." The chinese continued, almost giggling.

He just stared at the man. He didnt know why but he felt envious.. no, jealous - that the other knows a lot of things about the person he treasures the most.

"Really?" That was the only word that came out from his lips.

"Yes, wanna try?"

Donghae stood up and as soon as the boy opened teh door behind him, the next thing he knew was there was already a pillow flying towrds their direction and he was pretty sure that it was thrown with a not so very humanly force. Good thing he was able to dodge it before it him right in the face, although someone very lucky caught for him.

"Shit." It was Yesung, the poor guy caught the deadly pillow with his face.

"Leave me alone!!!!!!" Someone roared from inside the room.

"See?" Donghae shut the door. "We're just trying to make him eat something so that he can take his medicines but we couldnt even open this door without getting hit. Kibummie, Kyu and Hyukkie tried but look at what they got, bruises." The boy let out a frustrated sigh as he went back to his former position, beisde his bestfriend who was still trying to cover his black eye.

"Yah! Kyu! Let's go, we need to at least treat your bruises. I dont want the fans to think that we're physically abusing the maknae." Sungmin quickly pulled the maknae up and dragged him towards the kitchen.

"You too, Hyukkie." Donghae suggested and pulled his bestfriend, together with Kibum with him to follow the first two while he, the leader, just stared at the door, thinking of what to do.

"I'll handle this. You can all just go to your rooms and rest or better yet, help those three with their injuries." He grabbed the door knob and slowly turned it.

"Wait! Hyung! What are you planning to do?" Wookie asked him with a worried tone.

He didnt say anything, instead, he just smiled at the boy and motioned him to leave.

Heechul felt the scorching pain that his damn tooth was causing him. It's been three days since the first time his freakin molar decided to go against his will. He ignored at first, thinking that it would just fade away soon but he was obviously wrong. There was him, feeling like a mother in labor. He tried rolling on the bed, staying still, heck! he even tried doing a head stand but his tooth was just too evil to leave him in peace.


He felt like the only way he could relieve his pain was if he punched someone right in the face, but then again, he was wrong. He felt really sorry that he punched the other members especially that the three was just trying to help him.

He heard the doorknob turned and he was ready to throw another pillow and yell at that brave someone who had the courage to enter him room when he felt a very familiar presence that made his raging heart, or should he say tooth, settle for a bit. Feeling that presence near him somehow lessen the pain that he was feeling.

"Leave me alone." He whispered.

"I will.Wait! Not yet! not until you get up from that bed, stop punching people's faces and eat." Worry was written all over the man's voice, making his heart flutter.

" I'm not hungry." Even though he was very distracted by his hyung's presence, he could still feel the scorching pain that his damn tooth was giving him.

"Of course you're not." Jungsu grabbed his arm and it brought shivers down his spine. "Now get up."

He didnt know how and why but he just found himself doing what his leader told him to. He sat up while the older settled himself beside him and his heart almost fell when he felt the man caressed his swollen cheek. "Does it really hurt?"

He nodded and his heart finally stopped beating when Jungsu planted a soft kiss on his left cheek. His touch somehow eased the pain that he was feeling, again. He felt like he almost forgot that he's hurting as soon as their eyes met.

"Does it still hurt?"

He nodded again.

What to do? What to do? His mind screamed when he noticed that their faces was just milimeters away from each other. He could actually feel his hyung's breathe on his plum lips.

Before his mind could formulate a decent action, he already felt Jungsu's lips on his. His leader's lips were already caressing his and it tasted really....sweet Leeteuk's kisses finally melted all the pain that he was feeling. His kissed his pain away, literally.

They were both staring at each other's eyes, constantly glancing at the others' lips, after they shared the sweetest kiss he ever experienced. The older even put another quick peck on his already swollen lips before he started talking again.

"You okay now?" He flashed his dimpled smile.

"I guess?"


And then he left.

"Did he just kiss me?"


"Hyuuuuuung!!!! You're still alive? You dont have any injuries or anything?" Siwon shot him with tons of questions as soon as he went out of Heechul's room.

"I'm fine." He didnt know why but he just suddenly looked at Hankyung who was then sitting behind the very ecstatic Siwon.

Shindong let out a sigh as he munched on his, probably, third pack of chips.

"He is fine now. Make him and gonna go to the dentist."

He left with a smile on his lips. Lips that finally tasted the lips of the man he's been wanting to kiss since day one.


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