Growing with you

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Author : veltana
Original publish on : Livejournal | 2011
Author notes : so this was originally written for and her project, so that is why the summary looks like it does :p but the project has been laid to rest so I'm posting this here now :)


It's autumn.
Heechul like autumn because the colors on the trees and on the ground are nice and the weather is not too hot, not too cold. He stands at the window in his room, the one that gives him a view of the house next to his. He can't count how many times he has stood at this window. When he was little it was his and his best friend's way to tell each other they needed to talk. 'Cause the window he sees from his own belongs to that best friend, but it doesn't work that way anymore.


Heechul is five years old and is hiding behind his mother. Only a few feet away are another boy, also hiding behind his mother.

That is his new neighbor.

His mom says that they are the same age and that they should play together. They are put in a room with soft floors and soft walls and lots of toys. Heechul has never seen so many toys in one room in his life and he absentmindedly picks up a doll. The doll's got blue eyes and black hair and when Heechul tilts her head, her eyes close.

"That's my sister's doll" a clear voice tells him but he is too shy to turn around. He holds the doll in his arms and doesn't look up when the other boy stands in front of him "I usually don't play with her stuff, but if you want, we can do that"

Heechul thinks he sounds like and adult but he looks up. His hair is golden and a very cute dimple shows when he stands there, smiling. Heechul is sure he could light up a room, like dad always says his mom does. The boy has a feeding bottle in his hand and he reaches forward towards the doll with it. Heechul is about to give it to him but the other steps forward and puts the tip of the bottle against the doll's mouth.

"What is your name?"
"I'm Jungsu but my mom calls me Leeteuk 'cause I'm special!"
"Yes but you can call me what you want"
Heechul thinks for a short while, rocking the doll in his arms "Teukie?"
The other seems to pounder at the name "Teukie does fine too" he decides "So Heechul, do you wanna be the mom or the dad?"


Heechul is 13 and he is at his window, he's staring into nothing and fingers the necklace he always wears. It's a small silver spiral and if you look at it closely you can see there is a name on it. Thin lines make up the word Teukie. Leeteuk got the same kind of spiral, but on his it says Chullie. It's their best friend's necklaces.


Heechul is 16 and at his bed. Suddenly the door to his room burst open and a tornado of happiness hits him and tackles him to the bed laughing. After some smaller rearrangements they're comfortable on the bed. Both are on their sides, legs and arms tangled. Heechul loves this, when it's just him and Leeteuk, curled up together and talking. He knows he is truly happy then. After some minor threats and coaxing, Leeteuk finally tells him the reason behind his happiness.
He has just had his first kiss.
Heechul feels a little sick.


They are growing up and they both know it.

When Heechul look at Leeteuk he doesn't see a boy, he doesn't see his best friend who he used to curl up next to and sleep in the same bed with when he was little. What he sees is still his best friend, sure, but he is looking more and more like a man.
Muscles are ripping his body but they are not yet hard and defined. Whenever Leeteuk is next to Heechul, the younger of the pair always finds himself eyeing the lines that make out Leeteuk's biceps, wondering if Leeteuk is still as warm as he used to be. Sometimes he almost reaches out a hand to trace the lines with his fingertips, but only almost.

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