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Author : amberrae
Original publish on : archieve of our own | 2011
Author notes : I made a TeukChul side story of 's which is originally a EunHae fic. Gah, I wasn't happy about this myself. :|


He frantically shut the door of his room.

Heechul was freaking furious, throwing tantrums inside the dorm, and lobbed everything he has touched. He is mad and upset. The other members tried to calm him down while the others just remained silent.

"Hyung! Cheer up!" Siwon knocked at Heechul's door.

But he got scolded by Donghae, "Aish! Leave him alone! He's upset."

"What! What is this! Heechul hyung is like that again!" Yesung stated in a panicked mode.

"What happened again?" Their manager looked so innocent about the situation.

"I can't blame him. But if I were in his position right now I would just stay quiet and cry." Eunhyuk glancing at Donghae commented. But Donghae didn't seem to notice his words.

"Let's leave him alone for the meantime. He needs to ease up his broken heart." Donghae who was so concerned about his hyung told the members. "Only he could make hyung calm down." He added.

"Where is he?!" After a long wait, the one who should fix the mess showed up.

"Eeteuk hyung! Finally!"

They all sighed in relief.

Eeteuk hysterically knocked at the door, telling Heechul to open it.

"Donghae! Gimme the keys! Fast!" He yelled with his desperate voice.

"Damn it which one of these keys!"

"Heechul-ah let me in! Let's talk this over!" He managed to find the right key but he still couldn't get through because Heechul was blocking the door.

He struggled against Heechul's strength and pushed the door really hard so he could penetrate.

Heechul finally gave up and run away from the door covering his self under the sheets,

"Go away!" He hollered.

"I'm so sorry." Eeteuk tramped forward, sat on the bed next to Heechul and tried to uncover his face.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" His voice pleaded for forgiveness

"I'm so sorry, I will explain if you will just let me. Please."

Heechul slowly sat up and glowered at him, with tears falling from his eyes. This is the first time that Eeteuk saw him like that, what's worse is, he's the one responsible for everything. He did not imagine that Heechul would act like this. And it's all because of him.

"So that's j-j just everything we are??" Heechul blubber out accusing him.

Eeteuk started to fondle Heechul's face to wipe his sad and angry tears, but Heechul winced, averting his eyes from Jungsoo.

"I... I-I," He didn't know how to start, he didn't know how to clear up what he just told the mob earlier that made Heechul burst out like this.

"Yah! You have nothing to say! This, everything is just a game, everything between us is fake!!!" Heechul erupted getting up from his bed.

He glared at Eeteuk who was unable to continue.

"This is going nowhere! Let's just... take a rest for now. Let's talk some other time when you are ready to tell me everything. Just... why did you have to that?! You broke my heart back there. Everything... just... I want them to know everything, but..." He couldn't finish his sentence due to his tears continuously flowing from his cheeks.

"A-are you breaking up with me?! Heechul... I'm sorry..." Jungsoo stood up, embracing his lover.

"Right now, I won't be listening to all the things that you'll say. Talk to me when you're ready to explain. Just go away, leave me alone!"

"....alright then, if that's what you want. I'll give you some time to be alone." Jungsoo sighed stepping out in his princess' room.

This was the very first time that he showed his feelings like that. All of a sudden, he busted out all of his emotions. And it was the first time that I saw him crying, and it's all because of me. Jungsoo's thoughts took his sanity away for a minute. Dumbfounded he was. All he could say was that he was sorry to Heechul. Words failed him.

"I didn't mean to. I can't remember myself doing anything wrong. But I just did, stupid, I got his feelings hurt. I don't know what to say, I just wanted to..." He whispered to his self.

This night, it was the night that his heart and mind was filled with regrets.


"Eeteuk-ssi, you and Heechul-ssi seems to be really close. The fans said they always saw you two going out." The master of ceremonies asked on behalf of the fans' curiosity.

"Yes yes, we go out and bond with each other; we're best friends after all." And that, was the only answer Eeteuk could give.

Even in Heechul's dreams it haunted him. He opened his eyes; it ached for he was crying the whole night. He peeked at the clock exhaustedly. His brain cells left him last night and until now. But it did manage to think and say; Why? That's just it? Why?!

He started his day full of emptiness. He doubted Eeteuk's love for him. He only comes out of his room to get his food, and then goes back to his room to eat there. He avoided him for days because he doesn't want to see his face, his angelic face and that dimple of his. He fears that he'll become helpless and weak around him.

He tried not to think about him anymore. Everything. He wants to forget about everything. But no matter how hard he tries to forget, the pain becomes more unbearable.


He clutched his wrist not wanting to let go, their eyes locked on each other. He stared at him with intense feelings. Eyes longing for his lover's sight. His heart longing for love again.

"You still want to avoid me? Heechul, I cannot take it any longer. It's been a week. Let's talk now."

Eeteuk dragged Heechul in his room. Though it was against Heechul's will, he knows to himself that he can't resist. Because he loves him so much. Besides, he wants him to explain, and he wants to put an end to the misery that they're both experiencing.

The angel wrapped his arms around his princess, putting his chin on his shoulder. He started crying while the other one was so emotionless. But seconds later or so, he started crying with him. They both shed and shared bitter tears.

Jungsoo pulled away a little, looking into Heechul's enticing eyes, wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to respond, I didn't think be---"

Heechul zipped his mouth with a kiss that lasted for minutes. Eeteuk kissed back without complaining. Enjoying every kiss that Heechul gave him. He was confused for what Heechul just did, because he thought he was mad at him but now, he was kissing him passionately.

Heenim paused and stared at his angelic face with amusement.

"I hate you. I just can't stand being mad at you, you know! I was dying! I've been longing for you." He softly murmured with angst on Jungsoo's ears.

"What I've been longing for is your hugs and kisses. Your kisses, I just love those." He replied clinging tighter on Heechul's waist.

"I'm sorry; I was so careless answering the MC's question. I don't want to make it awkward for them. Even if the fans think we're not a couple, that doesn't matter right? What matters to me is that we're real and we love each other. Please understand. I know it is hard showing our love in public but let's just make things work for the both of us."

"I'm sorry too for acting so stupid. You know me. Anyway, you are forgiven. Am I forgiven too?" Heechul breathed out.

He giggled, "Of course! Don't be sorry, I'm the idiot here."

"I know. But that's just one out of many reasons why I love you."

It'll be hard for the both of them to show their affection in public. But what the heck, as long as they have each other. As long as they won't get affected with KangTeuk and HanChul couple, everything's gonna be just fine.

"Thanks. I'm sorry again."

"I love you."

"I love you more."


"Really. Are you questioning my love for you again?"

"I just want to make sure." Heechul chuckled.

He deepened the kiss and smiled, "Idiot." 

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