I'm A Grown Man, Dammit

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Author : Lieke97
Original publish on : archieve of our own | 2017


MC Leeteuk was always one of Heechul's favorite things. So was Flannel Leeteuk, especially whilst wearing nothing else. Leeteuk looking happy and content with hanging out with the other SuJu members was also always a plus for Heechul. Heechul's favorite thing of all was having all of Leeteuk's amazing undivided attention all to himself, he is selfish that way, especially if it is positive attention.

It is safe to say that Heechul was a very happy man during this particular fan meeting. The stylists might have thought it a good idea to put him in some over-sized panter-print t-shirt, which it really wasn't(and we all know that Heechul can pull off most of the clothes given to him). But he still had Leeteuk's beautiful smile aimed at him. He might have to make a fool out of himself, by doing some over-exaggerated girl-group dances, but that is okay as long as he can pretend that Leeteuk only ever smiled at him that way.

Heechul knows it is stupid and silly of him to feel so overly protective off of Leeteuk ('I am a grown man dammit!!' - Leeteuk at some point of their relationship probably), but he just can't help it. It is true that he feels very protective over all the members, but just a little bit extra about their leader. Leeteuk always puts the other members first, even if it might endanger his own health.

Despite that, he now knew that making Leeteuk smile was the most important thing in the world because when Leeteuk was smiling he was not crying. Which was also not always true, as he experienced during that particular Strong Heart episode in which he made Leeteuk cry with his sincerity. He sits back down.

MC Leeteuk looks calm and collected throughout the entire fan meeting, dealing with difficult questions and incredibly difficult members professionally. Heechul knows better than to assume that Leeteuk is going to keep this calm for a long time. He is annoyed and trying and failing to bring progress to the fan meeting. Heechul knows that Leeteuk is annoyed but a few apologetic gazes from the maknaes will be enough to melt his anger away, which will not do if Heechul has anything to say about it. He will personally drag the members to their dressing room to have a nice chat with them, Leeteuk will let him because... well he is Heechul.

At last the fan meeting is over. Although Heechul severely enjoys the fan meetings, especially now the members have a little more control over what happens during them than that they used to have when they had just debuted where they had to follow a strict script to ensure optimal enjoyment for the fans, he was also very happy that it was finished. Mainly because it meant that their last schedule had finished for the day and he got to spend some quality time with his boyfriend, but first stand up for his easily forgiving boyfriend, except when it comes to Heechul, but that is a small price to pay to have such an awesome person in his life.

He catches Kyuhyun trying to quickly sneak out of the dressing room and pulls him back in. Same goes for Shin Dong and Yesung. He is about to use his minimum strength to push them into their chairs when Leeteuk puts a hand on his shoulders.

"I already talked to them, don't worry about it." This only proves Heechul's earlier superstitions.

"Bullshit, it has barely been 2 minutes." He snaps, never letting the other members out of his sight. They know better by now to try and escape when Heechul has set his mind on having a chat with them.

Leeteuk just pulls at his arm a little bit, Heechul looks over his shoulder and is met with tired and bloodshot eyes, slumped shoulders and a tired pout. Heechul never stood a chance. He wants to protest, the members should respect their leader and eldest hyung, although Heechul himself isn't the best example of that. But he also knows when he needs to stop being Heechul and needs to become Leeteuk's boyfriend. So he drops the attitude and decides to take his boyfriend into his arms.

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