
906 26 4

Author : verility
Original publish on : asianfanfics | 2014
Author note : For oriteukie, because her cute request was something I couldn't refuse. I hope you like it lovely!

They were heading to Donghae's restaurant. Heechul, being recently released, of course went straight to Leeteuk; his Leeteuk who was currently sleeping against the window on the passenger side of Heechul's car. Leeteuk had been transferred up to the North Korean border following some mistakes that the celebrity unit' had gotten into. Thankfully, Leeteuk hadn't been a part of those trouble makers, but to Heechul he had the worst of the punishments.

Instead of finishing his enlistment in military prison, Leeteuk was a rifleman in the northernmost of South Korea. Heechul worried endlessly about the cold on Leeteuk's bad back and hips, how much he'd be hurting as the winter slowly crept up on them.

Heechul didn't bother Leeteuk with all those thoughts though Leeteuk clearly had enough to deal with since as soon as Heechul started driving back to Seoul he'd passed out and was still sleeping soundly.

Heechul had his own feelings about the others that had caused his leader to be tossed up in the land of the unforgiving. As far as he was concerned they didn't exist anymore and he'd shun the hell out of them, being the obstinate grudge bearer he was. His anger at the others had slowly passed and now all he cared about was making sure Leeteuk knew he was loved.

Parking at Donghae's new restaurant, Heechul regretted having to wake Leeteuk up but leaned over anyway. "Hey you." Heechul spoke softly, he knew it wouldn't have any effect on his leader's sleep but he didn't want to yell. Poking Leeteuk's arm and cheek Heechul smiled and leaned closer to his ear. "Jungsoo-ah, wake up."

Stirring with a grumble, Leeteuk blinked his eyes and looked at Heechul as the other man leaned away. "We're here?"

"Yeah, sorry you have to wake up now."

Leeteuk shrugged and turned it into a big yawn and stretch. He didn't mind waking up because he knew he'd be able to see Donghae and the other members. He missed them more than he was willing to admit to anyone. Even Heechul, who he was closer with now, didn't hear the inner worries that Leeteuk always carried around.

As they got out of Heechul's car and headed up to the restaurant, Heechul and Leeteuk put on their business personas, expecting to be seen and recognized by fans. Heechul knew his petals would be the most excited to see him, free and fresh faced. Honestly, he was ready for it too. Heechul had missed being adored, even if he had a strict set of boundaries, the respectful fans were great.

Leeteuk still felt strange to be out in civilian clothes, especially now with his re-stationing. He walked tall and proud, even though a little tired, promising himself he wouldn't cry when he saw his boys.

The hugs were strong and tight and more than a few of the members didn't want to let Heechul or Leeteuk go. Donghae was the clingiest. Ever since his father had died and left Leeteuk pretty much in charge of him, Donghae was Leeteuk's limpet. Hyukjae took up the slack when Donghae finally let go. The fish and monkey were to Leeteuk when Hongki and Simon D were for Heechul. Not that Heechul would ever forget how close he was with Donghae and Yunho, they just didn't come to him with problems as often as his fellow AB blood buddies.

Heechul watched them all, just a step outside their mass around their leader. He'd spent his time with enlistment at home and around the members, whereas Leeteuk rarely got the chance to be around everyone. Heechul smiled to himself about their reactions. Leeteuk made them all so happy, and the rest of the members made him so happy in return. It was a cheesy mess of love and Heechul loved every second of it.

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