Fated Intuition

515 14 4

Author : nyx-kendaya
Original publish on : livejournal | 2011
Author notes : I wrote this on time... but I fell asleep both times and just woke up now to publish it .-. I'm sorry Lien!!! ;-; also, no idea what their pairing name is... Chulteuk, Heeteuk and Teukchul o.O Used all 3 since I wasn't sure ^^;;;


"They don't call him a genius for nothing, you know. He's known everywhere." Heechul reasoned.

"I wouldn't go as far as to call him a genius considering he's just a fortune teller." Leeteuk retorted lightly as they stood before the small velvet tent.

"Yet you're the one who nearly dragged me here once you saw this." Heechul said. Leeteuk pursed his lips and said nothing when they were called to be next.

Heechul crossed his arms as they settled into the seats inside the darkened tent, looking at the man covered in colored clothings that hid his face and body.

"Are there questions that bring you here today? Ones you want answered?" The fortune teller asked.

Heechul looked over at Leeteuk who didn't look up. He sighed and leaned across the circular table, pointing to the passive man beside him.

"He wants to know what's wrong with his life-"

"I do not-"

"Anything to do with his money, his job prospects... all that stuff most people tend to go to fortune tellers for I guess. Since they're so reliable and all."

Leeteuk palmed his forehead at Heechul's mocking tone.

The fortune teller then spoke. "Most tend to come for other more intimate matters. Often they come to ask about love."

Leeteuk raised his hand to stop him, "That's not what we came here for."

"Such a confident couple. That's nice to see in this day and age." The fortune teller continued as he traced over the deck of cards.

Leeteuk stared incredulously at the man. "T-that's not what I meant-" He looked down at Heechul's hand placed over his thigh.

"We shouldn't keep it a secret anymore." Heechul said with a smug smile. Leeteuk narrowed his eyes as he pushed off his hand.

"We are not a couple." Leeteuk insisted.

The fortune teller shuffled his cards. "I don't see why not. You two are completely---"

Leeteuk and Heechul watched as the fortune teller turned over a card on the table; his hand paused for dramatic effect.


Heechul noticed that throughout the rest of the session, Leeteuk remained quiet. Even as he listened to the fortune teller's other advice and divine information he was given.

Once they were done, they stood outside the tent once more. Heechul arched an eyebrow as he gave a subtle smirk towards the still pondering Leeteuk.

"Of ALL the fortunes he had given, it bothers you when he mentioned that I was the most compatible one for you right?"

Leeteuk merely turned away as he crossed his arms loosely over his torso. "I didn't even ask him about my love life and somehow he brings it up on his own."

"I don't understand why you didn't. It's the only real reason anyone goes to a fortune teller for nowadays." Heechul said. "Also, shouldn't that tell you something? That maybe he did sense something about us after all?"

Leeteuk turned his head midway to face him, staring at him before he turned away and laughed. "Right. You don't even believe in this sort of stuff."

"I don't." Heechul agreed. "However, I can't help but have a little of a fun with it. Especially at your expense, seeing how gullible you can be."

Leeteuk scowled. "You're cruel."

Heechul shrugged. "Think what you want. Although you don't seem to have a problem with it, considering how much time we spend together." He shot him a slanted look. "Then again. I should blame the fact that you have a nonexistent social life and haven't dated in... Years is starting to seem more likely."

"Why must you keep teasing me about my love life?" Leeteuk questioned exasperatedly. "Must you always be so obsessed with it?"

"Be flattered that I even care at all." Heechul replied haughtily.

"Should I thank you for that special exception you made for me?" Leeteuk asked. "Or rather should I ask about what you thought when the fortune teller suggested the idea of us being together; compatible even?"

Leeteuk stepped towards him, flashing his own confident smile.

"What is your intuition telling you?"

Heechul stayed silent as Leeteuk studied his expression, ignoring the gentle nudge to his shoulder to grab his attention. "How about I answer none of the above?" Heechul offered lightly. Leeteuk narrowed his eyes.

"You can at least answer one of them." Leeteuk murmured.

"Which one would you prefer I answer?" Heechul asked as he locked eyes with him.

Leeteuk tilted his head, "I prefer the latter."

Heechul pursed his lips to signal his silence, easily evading his question. Leeteuk nudged his shoulder once more, Heechul turned his head and met his expectant expression.

"I don't think its a bad idea." Heechul muttered, looking out from the corner of his eyes at Leeteuk's blank expression. "I'd like to think that the fortune teller was right for once."

Leeteuk blinked. His hand was still nudging his shoulder unconsciously when Heechul clutched it lightly as he gave a knowing look.

"You wouldn't mind spending even more time with me right?"

Leeteuk gave a soft smile, somehow able to answer to the underlying question.

"I wouldn't mind." He then pulled away his hand, holding a certain glint in his eyes as he spoke his idea. "We could go somewhere now if you have time."

Heechul nodded when he stopped himself, reaching into his pockets. "I think I left my wallet inside the tent. I'll be back."

He swiftly stepped back inside the tent, looking back to make sure Leeteuk didn't see him as he pulled out his wallet and placed a twenty on the table.

The fortune teller reached for the money and waved it around. "I assume this means he said yes. And for that, I expect more than a measly twenty."

"Be grateful. If this had failed, I would have made you pay." Heechul muttered.

"This is easily the most ridiculous thing I've ever done." Heechul watched as the man pulled off his headpiece, revealing a flustered Yesung beneath it.

"I wouldn't say that."

"Although, I admit. I'm afraid to even ask why you own a costume like this at all." Yesung said uneasily as he ruffled his hair. "Can't believe that intuition of yours was actually right."

"I told you," Heechul said playfully; his fingers moving the curtains slightly to reveal the smiling man waiting outside. Giving a triumphant grin of his own as he let go of the curtains. "Never doubt my intuition."

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