Chapter eleven - Troll Incident

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~Y/n pov~

You woke up early and got into uniform. You look over your things and see the clear bottle. You put it in your robe. 'Just in case' you tell yourself.

You wake up the girls and tell them you're going out early. Your quickly run off. You see Josh in the common room and wave to him. He trots over to you.

"How are you today Y/n?" He asks cheery.

"I'm doing fine, I feel really good about today. What about you Josh?" You ask feeling relaxed today.

"Heh, I'm doing well. Now, there's rumors about you in Potions and in Flying being exceptionally brave and helping Gryffindor students." Josh tells you. You laugh, people talk about you?

"I'm not sure about Brave, but I help my friends or those who need it. Regardless of house." You state.

"More like extremely dumb, she could've gotten herself killed in pulling that stunt to save that boy." Bay said from behind you, lightly putting a hand on your shoulder.

"He got a broken wrist still. I failed." You reveal in shame.

"Would've gotten a lot worse had you not helped him." Another Slytherin boy said you see the boy... Draco? Bay's smirk disappeared.

"Even I saw what you did, honestly you'll get yourself in the medical wing if you keep that up." He shook his head in disapproval.

"I don't plan on changing anytime soon Draco." You sigh looking at the boy whom you had bonded with only a little while ago.

"Well neither do I." Draco sneered walking off, darkly eyeing Bay. Little does he know how much he's changed by not making a comment to her.

You smile lightly at the boy. You turn to Josh again.

"Sorry if that's causing you trouble?" You ask more then say.

"No, but you're being called the 'princess of Slytherin'." You roll your eyes at the name.

"Oh, I truly hope that nickname dies." You hope quietly, but he hears you and laughs.

"It's not that bad." Bay jokes.

"I hope not." You say before letting out a huff of breath.

"We should be getting to class. See ya later." You wave goodbye for now and go on your way.

You get to class and see Hermione, Ron and Harry already seated.

"May I sit here?" You ask Ron. He nods and you thank him. Hermione notices you and lightly smiles.

The professor looks at all of you while he stands on a few books you see Draco smirking at the small man.

He goes over the wrist movement you've all been practicing 'Swish and flick' Simple enough really. He tells us to practiced with our feathers and you smirk, piece of cake.

"Wingardium Leviosa." You say with a nice enough passion and do the simple wrist movement. You watch the feather lightly float into the air along with your movement, you bring it down lightly feeling Draco's jealous gaze on you.

You look over and see Ron doing a movement that looks as if he were swatting a fly...quite violently at that. That is until Hermione intervenes.

"Stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides you're saying it wrong, it's LeviOsa not LevioSA." Hermione corrects him.

"You do then if you're so clever." Ron challenges. Bad idea Ron.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Hermione also does the movement and her feather lightly floats up with her wand.

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