The Garden

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I was going on another hospital date with Betty. I knew where I was going to take her, it's gorgeous...Betty was gorgeous.

I buttoned up my shirt and put my dress pants on. I combed my hair and put on some cologne and then we met like we always do in the lobby. I waited for her and I looked like a complete idiot standing there waiting. But then I heard the elevator open and I saw Betty walk in with a white dress, white flats, and her hair wavy. She walked over to me and took my hand.

"You ready?" I asked and smirked. Betty nodded and we started to walk. I then noticed that she had a backpack with her.

"So Betts, what's in the backpack?" I asked.

"2 huge plastic bags, just in case you puke up mucus. A spare inhaler, a heavy oxygen mask, and a small oxygen tank. I have you prepared, Juggie."

"This is why you're absolutely incredible." I chuckled. Betty laughed and we continued to walk.

"So where are you taking me?" Betty asked.

"It's a surprise. You'll love it though."

"Anyways...What are you're hobbies? You never talk about anything else besides your illness. What about the stuff you like to do?"

"I live in a hospital! There's not much to do! But I love to write, I want to become a writer. I'd like to publish one story before I die."

"Can I read your stories sometime?"

"I don't know...they're really personal."

"I won't judge, I swear." Betty said. I shrugged and we continued walking. I saw the room up ahead and I pushed the door open. It was a butterfly garden. Betty gasped and a huge smile came on her fave. She giggled and butterfly landed on her shoulder. She was so happy and looked so beautiful.

"Jug...this area is beautiful. How'd you find it?"

"I was 4-years old when they installed this area in. I spent a lot of my time here as a child."

"Aren't there any other teenage girls in this hospital?"

"Yeah, So?"

"I don't know...I'm not the most beautiful person alive-"

"I think every piece of you is absolutely beautiful, sexy even. But I also like you because you're kind and you make me want to do better in my life. You're funny and adventurous but very easy-going. You want to make others happy even if it's hurts you...that's what makes me attracted to you. Betty, I know I seem like just some guy with an oxygen tube that's really annoying, stubborn, and above all...weird. That's mostly right but-" I began. Betty put her finger over my lips and shushed me. She took off her finger and then leaned into kiss me. I moved my hands to her waist and she put her hands on my shoulders. This was a beautiful moment...that got ruined. Nurse Jolene and 2 other nurses burst into the garden and dragged Betty and I out of there.

"I warned Betty to keep it professional with you! This is strike 2! Betty, you're not longer Jughead's caretaker!" Nurse Jolene sassed. Betty looked upset and shook her head.

"No! Please Jolene, don't do this!" Betty cried.

""If I find out that you even came within one inch of, Jughead Jones...I'll tell Yale that you aren't mature enough for this." Jolene said. I was dragged away and I saw Betty just standing there in shock and I didn't know what to do. They took me to my room and I was told to never speak or see Betty again...I guess this is why they say that rules were meant to be broken.

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