It Is Different

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BETTY POV(4-years later)

I drove home from Yale and arrived back in Riverdale. I was done with pre-med and going to be in Medical school. My life has been good. I made a lot of friends in college, I've gotten really good grades, and I've tried a few dates...but they weren't successful.

I pulled up to the driveway and got out of the car. Mom and Dad came outside and gave me a hug. At this point, Polly and Chic were able to love on their own now and moved away.

"Hey Betty! How are you?" Dad asked and gave me a hug.

"Really good. I'm gonna be a Medical student as you guys already know. I'm gonna actually head out for dinner. You guys wanna come with me?" I asked. My parents shook their heads and I decided to walk to Pops. It was less crowded and seemed peaceful...I sat in the same booth that Jughead and I did that night we snuck out at the hospital. I didn't even look up from the menu when the waiter came around.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" The male voice said. It sounded very if I knew the voice. I looked up and it was him...Jughead Jones. The boy that I loved so much, the boy who made me see a different world, the boy who shattered my heart into a million pieces. We looked at each other and I didn't want to look away. His face, his voice, even the way he smelt...made my heart so happy.

He gave me a weak smile and I gave him one back. Like we had never split up in the first place.

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