Chapter 2: The lesson

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After I introduced myself Japan was staring at me. She wouldn't stop staring at me. It was unpleasant. I walked back over to Canada. "Hey" he said. "Hey..." I said monotone." You Okay?" he said. "I'm Fine but I saw Japan starring me straight in the eyes.... It was really weird! Kind of creepy". "Wow.. I think she you know likes you" Canada said. "If it isn't obvious enough! Oh the bell rang! lets go ad avoid Japan as much as possible!". "Okay..... what's your next class?" Canada asked me. I'll tell you my whole schedule: "Literature, Algebra, Chemistry, World History, and Music!". "Cool! we have first and fifth together!" Canada said. "Wait... what's your schedule Canada?". "Uhhh mine's: Literature, Economics, Biology, Geometry, and Music" Canada said. "Cool Lets go to our lockers then and see what we need from the list"


After we got to our lockers we went to our . Once we got in and got ready the teacher said hello and for us to introduce ourselves. I stood up with America everybody looking at us. "Hello! I'm Canada, Americas my brother and i'm 17". I went back to me seat, everybody watching me.


I followed Canada to the front of the classroom and watched him introduce himself. Once he was done the Teacher said to introduce my self. I looked at everybody. "Hello, I'm America and my brothers Canada I'm 16". I went and sat back down while people watched me. The teacher said were going to have a new project to work on. We go to pick our partners. "Hey Canada! wanna be my partner?" "Sure!" he said.





It was finally lunch! Opened my locker threw my book and binder in it, slammed it closed, Then I started to walk to the cafeteria. Once I got there I saw China sitting down, talking to her brother Thailand. I went and got my lunch sat down next to China. "Hey" we all said. "School's really boringgggg" Thailand said. "I agree!" China replied. "I know! That's why there is something called skipping classes". "Yep! I've skipped first second and third today" Thailand said. "I'm gonna skip the last classes after lunch" China said. "Hey! Guys the capitalist pig over there" I laughed. "EWWWW" China replied. "Gross...." Thailand said back in reply. "I know right! When we get to go outside let's teach him something since he's never been to a real school before!" China and Thailand agreed. After that we all started to make fun of him in our little group. We were pointing things out about him we didn't like.


I walked to lunch with Chile and Japan wondering where America is we got our lunch and sat down. "Where's America-Senpai!!" Japan yelled. "Japan calm down! He'll be here in a second!" Chile said. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN WHAT IF HE'S HURT!!" Japan screamed screamed back at me. "Oh my God Japan... Overactive much?" I said to her. "NO!!!" Japan yelled again. God jesus! where is Mercia!?" Chile asked. I don't know yet. Philippines came over to us and asked blushing: "Where's America?" "None of us know yet I didn't see him after class at his locker". a few minutes later America Finally came over.


After class I walked out then saw Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. They came over to me and pushed me down. Then dragged me into the bathroom. They finished dragging me into the bathroom. North Korea said: "How's the capitalist pig?" I said nothing. "Not gonna speak huh? Boys Let's teach him something about not speaking". I trembled in fear, "l-lesson?" the only word managed to get out. "Yep a nice lesson of beating the shit out of you!". He said. "Iran, Iraq let's give it to him". North Korea Picked me up by the shirt and threw me into the wall. 'Deal with him, i'll get Syria". The two boys laughs were sinister, as they looked down at me Iran said: "i'll hold him down". I started to shake even more looking up at them. I felt the sting turn into a burn when Iran Held me up against the wall by my arms I still had fresh open cuts from last night from the blade. I needed help but no one was near. Iraq Kicked, and punched me while Iran held me down and called me names. North Korea said: "lets go Syria has to tell us something, well deal with you later Pig!" I started to cry, I grabbed my stuff put it in a pile and grabbed my blade and opened my sleeve, opening my bandage I cut myself: One, Two, Three, Four then I stopped when I saw little drops of blood form. I put my bandage back on Put the blade back and left.


"WHERE IS SENPAI!! IT'S BEEN LIKE 6 MINUTES!! WHERE IS SENPAI!!" I huffed. I was worried and alarmed, looking out for him. A minute later I saw him come in and I ran to him hugging him. "AMERICA-SENPAI!" I yelled. "Japan don't scream!" America said. "B-but I-I w-was w-worried!" I stuttered and sniffed. "I know you were!" America said back in reply. "Are you okay though!?" I asked him. "Yes i'm fine!" America replied. "Okay America-Senpai! Let's sit back down with the others!" "Okay!" America said.


I walked over to the others to the table with Japan. Everybody said 'your back!' 'what happened?' 'are you Okay?' Canada asked if I was Okay. "I'm fine" I replied. Chile asked what happened. "Well I uhh-" Philippines cut me off "Where were you! We were worried !" I responded with: "I'm fine guys really n-nothing happened!". Canada said ok... go get your lunch then Merica. "Well I-i'm n-not hungry Canada..." I said looking down at my hands. "Your not!? Okay then..." he replied. Then the teachers Gathered us up to go outside. Once we got there we looked around for something to do, we decided to go sit down on a bench and talk.

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