Chapter 12: The day America woke up

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I woke up the next day still in my clothes from yesterday and dried tears. I checked the time it was six in the morning. I got up and I picked out a black sweater, black pants, and black shoes. Every thing was black today. America has been in the hospital for 3 days now and hasn't woke up yet. I still decided to visit him today. I was to lazy to ask so I grabbed my key chain and left. I decided to walk to the hospital today. As I walked I was just thinking and enjoying the walk to the hospital. 15 minutes later I got there. I walked in and went to the front desk area, where a small girl was sitting. She looked up at me, are you visiting sir? She asked. Yes I am, for America. Ok he is in room 117 on the 4th floor, 17th door to your right. Ok thank you! I walked up the stairs to his room. Once I got there I took a deep breath. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I took another deep breath before looking at him. I took a chair and moved it closer to him. I started to cry again. I didn't realize how much you could care about somebody. I saw something red on his arm, but didn't think to much about it. I sat back in my chair with my hands on my face crying. I fell asleep after awhile of crying, it tired me out. I woke up around eleven of twelve. I was surprised they didn't kick me out sooner. I looked back at America and saw a red looking scratch on his arm. What was it from? I asked myself this. I picked up his arm and saw the scratch closer. Then I saw his whole arm.... filled.... with cuts and scars..... I put it back under the blanket. I started to cry again. Please wake up Mercia, please wake up. I got an Idea of telling him about seeing his arm, but he'd probably deny it. So I took out my phone, then took his arm out from under the blanket again. I took a picture. Then I made it look like nothing happened, like I was just sitting there. A hour later of just thinking went by and I zoned out. Then I heard a noise and that got my attention. Nobody else was in the room besides me and America. I looked at America. I saw him start to move and finally wake up. I was shocked, I stared wide eyed at him. He finally woke up!


I started to wake up in a unfamiliar place. I sat up in the bed weak looking around. The one thing that caught my eye was Russia starring wide eyed at me. R-Russia....!? He started to cry and he hugged me. America! he yelled happy to see me. R-Russia w-what happened?! why am I in the hospital? He then explained what happened. I was shocked. I thought Japan was my best friend until now. H-how long have I been asleep for!? 3 Days Russia said. Oh wow.... I started to cry. I felt bad for this. I felt like it was my fault. Its ok America.... Its ok.... Russia said.  When can I get out of here? Russia got to ask. Most likely today if your not to weak to walk, that what one of the nursed said Russia said.  Oh ok maybe ill try today then! But has my family seen me yet? Only Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and France Saw you lately. Russia said. I knew it.... Knew what? Russia asked. I knew my dad wouldn't see me. I don't think he likes me. America that's not true! Yes it is Russia! Every time I end up in the hospital, he never ever sees me. He doesn't come and visit me.... Oh I-i'm sorry America.... its ok Russia! I'm fine! Always with the fine..... Russia said plainly. I ripped out the needle going into my arm and stood up out of the bed. I held on to the sides so I wouldn't lose my balance.  Russia watched me. I started to walk using the side of the bed. Once I got to the end side of the bed I let go. I started to walk! Not being weak! I looked at Russia who was happy. I'm gonna go tell them your ready to leave. Russia said getting up. Oki! A few moments later Russia brought back a Doctor to look at me. I showed her and gave me permission to leave. I then got dressed and walked out side the room to Russia. He looked down at me you ready Merica? Yeah! lets go! We walked out of the hospital, wanna go to my house and surprise everybody? Sure! Russia said. Wait.... your dad he won't allow it. Eh oh well if he wants to mess with you hes gonna have to talk to me, and ill make him regret it. How exactly? Russia said not sounding like he trusted me. Oh trust me I have my way around. Ill just beat around the bush and not answer him like he does to me. 

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