Chapter 16: I'm Fine

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I have been sad lately..................... So this chapter might take awhile so sorry in advance!!

I woke up on a Monday morning, my  father shaking me. Wanting me to wake up for school. He left my room after he saw me get up. I walked over to my closet and got a tan turtle neck, black pants, and shoes (you pick XD ballerina shoes) After I got dressed I put my homework in my bag and went downstairs. My dad already made breakfast for us, Ukraine and Belarus ate already. After I ate my dad grabbed my bowl and washed it. "Bye dad!" I said opening the door. "Goodbye guys be good!" he said back. I locked the door and we started to leave.  We walked Belarus to school and said our goodbyes. Once we got to our school we saw our group, we walked over to America looking mostly emotionless. Hey guys! "Hey...." Canada said back. Whats wrong with America? "I think it could be our father but I don't know.........." Canada said plainly. I sat next down to America and hugged him. Are you ok Mercia?..... "I'm fine...." He answered plainly. Oh ok..... Just then Americas 'Boyfriend' came over. "Hey America!!" he said happily. America fell to the ground being shocked by North Korea. Stop!! I said getting up. "Why....?" North Korea Questioned. Because your gonna hurt him!!!! I yelled back. "So? I told him to sit with me to day and he didn't listen!" North Korea said looking at me straight in the eyes. I already had enough I walked over to him and smacked him straight across the face, leaving a dark red mark. North Korea helped him up. America still had the plain expression across his face. "Are you ok America?" North Korea Asked. "Nope he's not ok" I thought. He never is, but why does he keep saying it? "I'm fine!" said getting up, putting a weird smile on his face. At that moment I got extremely worried for him and agitated at him.  He is never fine, I'm beginning to think that he is putting on fake smiles so he won't make people to worried. The bell rang and we all started to go inside the building. I stayed close to America to make sure North Korea wouldn't do anything. Then I saw him take America to the direction of the bathrooms. I went to home room and sat down. "The rest of the day is not gonna go well" I thought to myself.

I walked to school with my 'dad' yelling at me to get up. "Get up disgrace, get the hell up!" He said. After I heard him say that I sat up. He walked over to me and slapped me across the face and picked me up by the collar, gave me a cold hard glare and dropped me. I fell down and he walked out. I got up crying, I muffled it with my shirt. I walked over to my closet and picked out a black stripped long sleeve shirt with a black T-Shirt over it, and black pants and black converse that go up to the middle of my legs. I grabbed my black hoodie and put it on. I took my blade and put it in the pocket. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I can't wait for Canada anymore because of my 'dad'. My 'dad' was by the car already, but I still ran.  "DISGRACE!!"  I heard him call out. Which made me run faster until I saw the school, I started to walk. I went to the bench and sat down on it and held my head in my hands crying. My phone dinged, someone leaving me a message but I didn't check. I just sat there thinking about why he hates me. I stopped crying once I saw my brother, and I tried to make it look like I wasn't crying by wipping my tears and my eyes. I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down. I heard grassy foot steps coming towards me. I looked up and saw Canada standing in front of me. He hugged me tight. I think he knows what 'father' does to me.......... I looked back up at him. "Ill wake you up from now on" he said. We sat down together. "Are you ok America?" He asked. I'm fine...............
I didn't look up after he said that.  A few minutes later I heard Russia walk over. "Are you ok America?" He asked. I'm fine.......... He hugged me. I didn't even bother hugging I'm back my arms hurt. Then I saw North Korea come over, he looked mad too. Maybe he was the one who sent the text that I didn't look at. "Hey! America!" North Korea said running over to me. Then he started to shock me hold g the button down. I fell down in pain. I started to cry. Then Russia and North Korea started to argue, but I can't focus on that right now because I'm still being shocked. I was on my knees holding the shocker. After the two argued I got helped up. "You ok America?" North Korea said. I-I'm fine. The bell rang thank god. North Korea grabbed my hand and walked close to me. Then when we got to my locker he dragged me to the bathroom. I-I need to get m-my stuff! He didn't say anything...... When we got into the bathroom he pushed me into the wall. He started to kiss me (ffffffrrrrrreeeeeennnnncccccchhhhh)
I remembered when he said to not hold back or he'll shock me. So I kissed him back. It didn't feel right, but he was forcing me too. A few minutes later he stopped finally. He winked at me "see you later babe!" He said happily walking out. Then I started to cry. I lifted my sleeves and unwrapped my bandages. I took my blade out and made the word "Hell" on my arm. It bled dark red. Once I saw it drip I put my bandage on and did the same to the other arm. Then I put the blade back. I walked out and ran over to my locker to get things for first period. I went to homeroom and sat down with the teacher saying your late. Russia looked at me "America...... Are you ok? You have dried tears on your cheeks.........."  I'm fine Russia.....  "No your not! You always say your fine but your not! You look emotionless! What the hell is wrong America!" Russia said. I started to cry, looking at him. Please get it off.......... Please...... Get the shocker of. He looked at me with wide eyes. Then I fainted...........................................................

So I know this chapter is long over due but I saw that this was still a draft and realised that this didn't up loss so here you go!

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