Chapter 23: A brand new ship

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I woke up on the floor for some reason. I looked on top of my night stand and grabbed my phone. I checked my phone and saw a bunch of notifications from Poland. Poland keeps texting me "Ship" over and over again.

Pol> Shipppp


Pol> Shiiip
Ame> Ship who?
Pol> You and Russia
Ame> Why.....?
Pol> because you two look cute together!!
Ame>Uhhhh thanks
Pol> Your welcome!!

Well that was weird... I thought. I went over to my I and picked out a heart patterned long sleeved shirt, black leggings, a red hoodie and checkered Vans. I took some money from under my mattress and put it in my hoodie pocket. I grabbed my key chain and my bag and then left my house. As I was walking I put my headphones in and listened to music. As I was walking I found a Starbucks and found myself already going inside. I ordered a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino (My favorite one xD). I paid and I sat down to wait for the drink to be ready. Once it was ready I grabbed it and walked out. I then speed walked to school.As I was walking I bumped into somebody, or somebody bumped into me. I looked up and saw Russia. "Oh I'm sorry America I wasn't paying attention!" He said holding out his hand. I took his had in favor to help me up "Oh n-no you f-fine! i-i wasn't p-paying attention e-ether!" I said nervously. "America why are you so nervous?" He asked. "U-uhhhhh....... I got to go.... me oven is calling me!" I said and ran off. I got to my locker and quickly got my stuff out of it. I ran to advisement and sat down. "dang it America your so stupid!" I said to myself. "Alright class! we are going to be spending all day in the auditorium!" My advisement teacher said. "In a few minutes we will be going down for the talent show and the choir concert!" She said happily. "Great the concert is today!" I said to my self. Then Canada tapped me on the shoulder "America, are you okay?" He asked. "Oh, yeah just nervous about the concert!" I answered back. "oh okay, I am too just a little though". He said back. After the few minutes passed we walked to the auditorium and Canada and I went to our choir class room. Then our choir teacher took attendance so we can preform. After she took it we went out to the stage and stood in our assigned spots. I was next to Canada and Russia. Our choir teacher told the audience the songs that were going to be singing and what there about. Windy Nights, Why we Sing, Yankee Doodle, and The Tide Rises (XD the choir songs I sang). After we sang the four songs we exited through the back doors of the stage. Then we went back while the other choir class went on to sing. We had to wait an hour because of the other two band classes. Russia came up to me "Hey Ame your pretty good at singing!" He said. "O-oh t-thanks Russia! No body has ever told me that before!" I said hugging him. Then after messing around we were able to go back to the auditorium and see some other friends and to be present for the talent show. Teachers were setting up the stage while we messed around. I was so nervous I was shaking, "Hey America!" Philippines said coming over and putting her hand oh my shoulder. "H-hi Philippines!" I said back. "Why are you shaking so much!?" She asked me. "O-oh just nervous for the talent show!" I said back to her. "what number are you guys?" Russia said. "I'm 23" Philippines said. "36" Canada said looking around. "I'm 28! What number are you Ame?" He asked me. "O-oh u-uhhh 98!" I said, I felt my face heat up. Then Poland and Germany came over and pushed Russia into me. Luckily he caught himself on the wall I was leaning up against. I watched is face turn red as people took pictures and yelled oOoOoOoO ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I also felt my face heat up a lot more too. We just stood there for a moment looking at each other. Then it started to get really awkward for us, so Russia backed away. I looked down and started to rub my arm.
A moment later the teachers said to go sit down. We then tried to find a row so we could all sit together while other students crowded around everywhere. Then we all some how found a row where we could all sit at. A teacher came up on stage and announced who was going first. Argentina was the first person to go up and preform. He did a really cool magic trick with Chile.
Then after a ton of people went
Philippines had to go. She did gymnastics tricks. Then Russia got up and chugged like 6 bottles of Vodka in 10 seconds. Now it was my brothers turn and he chugged 19 bottles of maple syrup in 30 seconds.
After a ton of people went it was finally my turn. I felt my face heat up once they called my name. I started to sweat at people looked at my walking up to the stage. I took my ukulele out of its case and played Riptide by Vance Joy. (My favorite song :3) After singing the song people clapped any whistled like they did for the people before me. I walked off the stage my face still hot from embarrassment. Then everybody clapped for the next person that went in stage.

-----------------------------------------------------------Lunch timeeeee!!

After a ton of people went to do what ever they chose for the talent show we finally go to go to lunch. I went to go get lunch,  and sat at our table we all usually sit at. America was already there "Ame you did really good!! I liked the song you sang!!" I said to him. I watched his face heat up "O-oh T-thanks Russia!!" He said back. Then I felt my face heat up again "Your welcome Ame!" I said back to him. Then everybody who sits with us started to come over to the table and we all started to talk about the Choir concert and the talent show. I saw Canada and Ukraine flirting of course and North Korea talking to Philippines, but America not talking to anyone. "Hey Ame what are you doing over the summer?" I asked him in attempt to start a conversation . "W-well I don't know yet.... But! I'll p-probably have plans once I-I get spammed w-with people a-asking me to do t-things with them!" He said back. "Well Ame have fun getting spammed!" I said chuckling a bit. "W-what are you g-going to d-do Russ?" He asked me. "Well America I have absolutely no clue what I'm gonna do!" I said shrugging my shoulders.  America laughed a bit.
Then the teachers said for us to go out side. Once we got out there we went to our bench and sat down. Philippines sat down to the far left of me along Canada. I sat down on the right side of the benchon the grass next to America. Poland and Germany came over and sat together on the other side of Philippines. "Hey Ame, you should sing another song for all of us!" I said. "O-oh! I-I...." He tried to say something back but failed. "Yeah America! Sing something!" Poland said. Canada looked over at Ame "plaaaayyyy!!" He said. Germany nodded wanting him to play something too. "W-well o-okay......!" America said. He took the ukulele out of its case and started to think of a song to play while everybody was looking at him anticipating for him to play it. I think he thought if a song to play because he started to position his hands. America started playing the small strings on the instrument imitating what ever he was playing.(Wish Your Were Gay by Billie Eilish ;D) America started to sing and felt my face heat up a lot when I noticed everybody staring at me.
After he sang the song the group wanted the American to sing we  clapped their hands. Ukraine was behind Canada and said "but Russia is gay!". I shot a look at Ukraine.  She laughed while she teased me. I watched America  zone out for a bit but got brought back to life by the bell signaling for us to go back inside. We got back inside to the auditorium and sat down in a different spot this time. The teacher got back up said hello and announced who got to go next.

_                                     _
After the talent show
_                                     _

The teacher announced us to leave for it was the end of the day. We saw a ton of countries bundling through the two exits. We were the last ones walking out. We talked about random stuff but what caught me off guard was America being left out. We got out of the school after getting our stuff, and I grabbed America's shoulder. "Hey Ame I need to tell you something" I said feeling my face heat up. "Y-yeah? What is it?" He asked me. "Well America.... I was wondering if  you would like to go out some time?" I said putting my hat down more with my face burning red. I saw his eyes light up. "Of course I would!! Why wouldn't I!!" America said happily. I looked down more to look at the smaller country who had his glasses on top of his head for once. I put my hat up more so he could see my face. Then I grabbed him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me also.

Have a good day children!! :D

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