Chapter 21: Sleepover

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Heh........... Not that I'm that exited..... I just like school

I walked home exited to have a sleepover with America. I reached my house and walked to the front door. I unlocked it at opened it and shut the door behind me. I went up stairs to my room and chucked my bag across the room and then yeeted myself down the stairs. I went to the living room and started to clean up. Next the kitchen, then bathrooms, and my room. Not much was really dirty do it only took a few minutes for me to clean it up. Then I look at my phone and text America. (Russ= Russia and Ame=America)

Russ: Hey America are you coming?

                                                                                                                Ame: I'm coming Russ like a minute away. 

                                                                                    (oooooof I Tried XD)

After I waited about a minute I hear the door bell ring and I ran over to it. I opened the door to America. "AMERICA WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" I said.  I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside while kicking the door closed. "America what happened!? Your face! Its all-" I got cut off. "I know bruised and scratched." He said. He looked up at me and hugged me. Then I heard a door open and my dad walked out of his office.  He saw us hugging. "Hey Russia who's your little friend?" He said. America stopped hugging me and looked over at him. "Oh uhhh Americas with me" I said, I thought he was going to yell at us. "Whats up with your face what happened?" He asked us. "Well uhhhhhh I fell down the stairs....?" America said. "Oh okay" My dad said and went back to his office. I looked back at America who was touching his face. "America...... come with me" I said. I took his arm and took him upstairs with me. I went into my room with him and shut the door. "America what was that!! It was a question not an answer!" I yelled at him. "W-well i-i...... I'm sorry......" He said looking down. "It's okay America...... Now tell me what really happened? Please" I asked. "Well I got home and my dad noticed that I got home late so he got mad at me and also how I haven't been at school lately so he dragged me upstairs and threw me at the wall. Then he threw my favorite flower pot at my head." He said. "Oh my god America!! Does he do this to your brothers too?!" I asked. "ummmm N-no" He said. "Are you Ok at least?!" I asked again. "Y-yeah i-i'm fine!" He said. "America clearly your not okay...... Lets go clean up the blood on your face. Okay?" I asked. "o-ok" He said back. I went to my bathroom and got a rag with soapy water and another one to dry his face. I Walked back over to him and helped clean the blood off. I dried his face off and put the rags in the laundry basket. "There now the blood is gone!" I said happily. "T-thanks Russia!!" He said. "Your welcome Ame!" I said back. "What do you want to do?" I asked him. Before he could answer my dad came in. "Heyyyyyyyy! You guys look cute together~( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)" He said standing in the door way. We both looked at him at the same time. I felt my face heat up a lot. "Dad are you drunk?" I asked. "umm NO! I am not drunk because Ukraine agress with me too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" He said.  He walked away after that. "Ummmmm Wanna just go and take a walk?" America asked. "sure...." I answered. We got up and went downstairs  and walked out the door. "You two have fuunn~" Ukraine said. "shut up!" I said closing the door. We walked randomly around and we ended up at a park. I followed America to the swings and we started to casually talk to each other. About 5 minutes later we got up and started walking again."I wanna go to Starbucks!!" He said as we were passing one. "okay lets go in then" I said.  We walked in and went over to order since nobody was in line. America let me go first. It took me a moment to order but I did, I ordered a Iced Coffee and went at sat down to wait. I watched America as he ordered his drink. He came over to wait with me for our drinks.  "What did you order And?" I asked. "Well I ordered a Caramel Frappucchino" He answerd back. After we got called to get our drinks we headed back to my house.                                                                I opened the door to my house and walked in. "Did you guys have fun on your little date?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Ukraine said.  "Ukraine shut the hell up!" I yelled, my face heating up. We went back up stairs to my room. "That was scary" America said. "I know it was weird" I said back. "Oh did you  hear that the talent show is coming up in 2 weeks?" America said. "No I didn't  hear about it. If it is then you should be in it, I mean your probably good at something." I said looking down. "Yeah.... I don't know, but you have a talent to though, and the Choir concert is coming up in a few days so.........." America said. "Yeah she really wants us to be serious about the crappy thing" I said. "Eh I think its fun, I like music and school" America said. "America..... just wow.... whats wrong with you! You like school!" I said putting my hands on his shoulders. 


A few hours later of fun Crap :/ I'm lazy =-=



I woke up the next morning hugging Russia.(magic because yeah( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) I felt my face heat up. I slowly let go so I didn't wake him up. I went over to my bag and got out my sketch pad. I flipped to a new page and started to draw a dragon.
About an hour later of drawing my dragon Russia woke up.  I quickly closed it as he came over and sat down next to me. "what are you doing Ame?" He asked me. I felt my face heat up because I don't ever share my drawings with anyone. "well I'm drawing a dragon" I answered. "cool! can I see?" He asked. "Yeah!" I answered. I went back to the page where my dragon was and showed him. "America that's really good! I didn't know you could draw that well!" He said. "T-thanks I guess, your the first person in a long time to see this" I said. "Why you don't show people your art?" He asked. "Uhhh Its embarrassing for me" I said back to him. "Oh okay, Show me other things you drew then!" He asked smiling. "o-okay s-sure" I said going to the first page. The first page had a bunny on it, the second had a turtle shell, the third was a snake, the fourth was a unicorn, the fifth page was a cat, then the sixth page was the dragon. "That's how far I got!" I said happily.   "Wow your so good at drawing Ame" Russia said. "Heh.... Thanks Russ" I said back.
Then I heard my phone ring, and I went over to it and pulled up whoever texted me. It was Poland, I set the phone down after I read it. "Hey Russ, Poland's throwing a party for no reason! Wanna come!?" I asked. "Sure Ame, I'll come!" He answered. "It's at one then" I said. "Okay" Russia said.

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