Chapter 13: England......

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We heard the door fling open, and somebody slam it. They opened the kitchen door. I was father...... Luckily Russia and America were up stairs.  Our mom went to go get America since Russia's here we don't want our father to see him or else bad things will happen. He came over and sat at the table with me. Our mom came downstairs with America and we all sat down. Dad are you ok? I asked trying not to sound scared. NO! He yelled standing up. Que s'est-il passé chérie!? (What has happened darling !?) Our mom asked. Father looked at us all in the eyes coldly. Ill tell you what happened! he said. I saw America And Russia today at the park talking...... He went over to America and picked him up by the collar and dragged him up stairs. Mother ran after him, L'Angleterre arrête ça tout de suite !! vous allez blesser l'Amérique! (England stop it right now !! you will hurt America!) She said yelling. I was really scared to move. Then I heard America get thrown up against a wall in his bedroom. Then I heard yelling from my mother and father. I ran to my room, crying I slammed the door. I then heard stomping up the stairs to my room, and my heartbeat got faster and faster. Then the door flew open and I saw my dad angry. he came over to me yelling. ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH CANADA?!!? N-no! ARE YOU?! N-no i-i h-hate him! good! he said. He walked out of my room slamming the door behind him. I called Ukraine. H-hey c-can w-we hang out? Yeah! ill meet you at the park! She said. o-okay thanks. I got up and left my room. My dad was in his office, So I went to my brothers room. H-hey m-mom? Oui le Canada? (Yes Canada?) She said. Can I go out with one of my friends? Oui vous pouvez, il semble que vous ayez besoin de temps loin de votre père (Yes you can, it seems like you need time away from your father) Ok thanks mom! I ran out of the house, and I started to run over there. I saw Ukraine. Ukraine! Ukraine! She saw me and ran to me. We started to hug each other. She looked up at me. Are you ok? No i'm not my dad started you yell at us again. What did he do?! He saw Russia and America talking and when he came home he was mad and took America by the collar and went up stairs to his room..... a-and.... And......? she asked I started to tear up again. a-and he t-threw him at the wall. Ukraine was wide eyed. Its ok! She said wiping tears from my face. I-i hate when he dose these things! Ukraine hugged me. Its going to be alright.... she said. O-ok..... We went and sat on a bench by a pond. 


I went up stairs with Russia because for some reason I knew something was going to happen, but I didn't know what it was. Then my mom came in and said I need to come down because Fathers here. I looked at Russia if he dragges me into here hide ok? go in my closet or bath room or under the bed ok? ok he said. Thanks! ok I need to go downstairs. I went down and saw my dad. I sat down as Canada asked if he was ok. NO!! He said. I don't know why. He looked at us all coldly. I saw America and Russia at the park today talking.......... He looked at me and came towards me. He picked me up by the collar and started to drag me upstairs to my room. When he opened the door I saw Russia's foot go into my closet. I saw him peek out a little. But my father didn't notice. Then he threw me across my room and I hit the wall. I then heard my mother and father arguing. He went over to Canada's room and I heard yelling in there. I was in a ball of pain crying. My mom came over to me and started to comfort me. Russia came out of hiding. Its ok.... He said. Sat up and saw Canada come in asking if he could go somewhere with a friend. My mom left the room to talk to my dad. I cried into Russia shoulder for a while. I heard foot steps...... It was my dad.... Russia go hide I wisperd. He quickly went to my closet. Then my dad came in. He kicked me in the stomach and slapped me. Ahh!! I yelled. He picked me up by the collar again. Don't ever talk to him again! Ok pig!? O-ok good.... He dropped me and left the room going to his office. I got up and Russia ran out of the closet crying, then hugging me. I was to weak to hug back so I just looked up staring at him. A-are you ok!? God this question again! I thought. Yeah i-I'm fine Russ! He stopped hugging me and looked at me straight in the eyes. Your not fine stop saying that!!!! O-ok.... Anyways I have to go.......... He kissed me on the forehead. Bye Ame! He left. I just sat there looking at the door. My face bright red. I went and sat in my bed. A moment later Canada walked in and saw my face bright red. OoOoOo somebody's blushing!!!! I looked at him. N-no!! Yes he said closing the door behind him coming over to me. So...... Did you guys kiss.......? What!! N-no!! He kissed me on the forehead.....
He looked satisfied and left the room.Whatever........... I layed down in my bed and fell asleep.

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