Chapter 15: The fake smile

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-----------------------------------------------------------This chapter Wil mainly be in America's pov!!

I woke up to my alarm going of saying get up for school. I turned it off and went to get dressed. I picked out a oversized blue hoodie, black pants, and my white Addidas (XD first shoe that poped up in my head). I grabbed my bag and went to the kitchen. Where I saw my dad...... G-good- morning d-dad! He grabbed me by the collar and started to drag me out the door. He started dragging me to school. Once we got there I saw a bunch of people, but my friends saw me being dragged. They stood up. My dad got to the front and he threw me on the ground. He kicked me in the stomach "disgrace" he said and walked away. A bunch of people whispered and looked at me, unwilling to help. Canada saw me walking in and picked me up and brought me over to the bench where our friends were standing. "What the Hell happened!?!?" He yelled. "Britain threw him on the ground and kicked him calling him a disgrace" Philipeans said. Canada got angry. Please don't Canada. "But America" Canada said. He was gonna yell at father, but I know he's gonna hurt Canada so I won't let him leave. "America he's not going to-" he fought back. Canada! He is! He won't be scared! Russia walked in and walked over to us. "Hey guys!" He said walking over. "Woah America your pale!! Are you ok?!" Russia sounded worried. I took a deep breath and put on afake smile. "Yes I'm fine!" I said. The bell rang and we started to go to homeroom. I went to my locker and got my things for first period. I closed my locker and turned around. There I saw North Korea standing in front of me. With out Iran and Iraq. "America come with me" he said. I didn't hesitate because he bullies me, and doesn't like when I hesitate. I followed him to the bathroom. He opened the door and let me in. (fancy XD) "Give me your stuff" he said. I gave him my binder and books, and he put it on the counter. I felt so confused. His friends aren't with him and he's not being mean yet.......... He walked back over to me and pushed me up against the wall. I felt my face heat up a lot. Then he kissed me.... (Ohh scaryy XD) He stopped and got some thing from his pocket. I got nervous. He hid the thing from his pocket behind his back. "America I have feelings for you, yes I do like you" he said. I-i...... He got the thing behind his pocket and put it around my neck. Then he got a remote out. "America, will you be my boyfriend?" He said. I-I.... w- well.... u-uhhh...... "Answer me!" He said shocking me. Ah! Y- yes! I- I will.... "Good!" North Korea said. He kissed me and walked out. I started to cry. I got out my blade and lifted my sleeve, unwrapped my  bandage and cut for different reasons. Your stupid, why? How could he like me!? I heard foot steps coming towards the door and I quickly put my blade away, and wrapped my bandage up quickly. I picked up my stuff and the door opened. Russia walked in...... "America! Your crying!? What happened!? Are you ok?!" He said sounding worried. I took a deep breath and put a nother fake smile on. Y-yeah I- I'm f- fine Russia! He came up and hugged me "no your not......" He said into my ear. I....... "Go to first period, you missed advisement" Russia said. O-ok.......... He walked with me to our first period. Once we got there the teacher let us pick our seats. North Korea grabbed me and brought me to the seat next to his. All the way in the back of the classroom. Russia followed looking Suspisious and worried. North Korea shocked me a little bit. Ow.... I wisperd. "You ok America?" Russia asked. I faked a smile, yeah! I'm fine! Russia made a face looking like he didn't believe me. Once everybody picked their seats the teacher started talking.

Lunch time cuz me lazzzyyyy

Still America's pov:

I got dragged to lunch by North Korea. He sat me down at a table alone. He quickly got his lunch and sat with me.  "Hey Merica!!" He said happily. H-hi. I was nervous, REALLY nervous. I saw Russia look at me and wave, I waved back. North Korea shocked me. Ah! I grabbed the chocker. I looked back up at him. S-sorry. "Don't talk to him, got that?!" He said angrily. Y-yes I-I got that.......... I felt dizzy again. "So, how was your day?" North Korea said breaking the silence.  I put a fake smile on, fine!! How was yours? "Good!" He answered back. Just then Russia came over. "Hey guys! Can I sit here?" He asked. Yeah!! I said. North Korea shocked me even more. Ah!! Russia saw it but North Korea didn't notice. I felt a tear coming, but just as it came out I wiped it away. North Korea saw how angry Russia looked. I think he was going to mess with him. "Hey babe why aren't you eating?" My face heat up with embarrassment. Oh I'm not hungry today. "Oh okay!" "You never are!" Russia said. North Korea looked at us both, and shocked me. Ah!! I got up, I'm Going to the rooftop.......... Once they couldn't see me anymore I ran up the stairs up to the rooftop. Once I got up there, I went and sat on one of the benches. I was trying to calm myself down. Then a few moments later I heard foot steps. I didn't look because if it was somebody else it would be awkward for me. Then I he sat down next to me, "hey America" Russia said. "Hey......" I said back. "What did he do? Whats the choker for? Are you ok?" Russia asked. Well first of all  North Korea likes me, he made me go to the bathroom with him, he kissed be and put this shocker on and asked me to be his boyfriend. I hesitated and he shocked me, then I had to say yes. The choker is for if i do something he doesn't like he uses it to punish me. and yes i'm fine, i said putting on a 'smile'. Russia looked me dead in the eyes " No! your not fine! stop saying that! WHY! do you keep saying that?!?!" He yelled. I-I-I.......... I put on a 'smile', i-i'm fine r-really! There's n-nothing t-to worry a-about!! I said standing up. Russia stood up and hugged me. Russia whispered in my ear: Its going to be alright...... Its a competition now...." He let go and looked up with a cold glare at something. I got grabbed by the shoulder, forcing me to turn around. North Korea took me by the waist and looked into my eyes. "Hey babe~" He said. Then he brought me into a kiss (XD i need help) He shocked me. He stopped and whispered: kiss back next time. o-ok...... Russia came closer to us, he turned me around and kissed me. I felt my face heat up even more. Russia let go and North Korea grabbed my hand and took me. I felt a lot more dizzy and confused. I saw Russia's worried expression as North Korea took me. 

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