Chapter 9: When he asked

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I woke up the next day felling more sad. I got up before my alarm. I got up and got dressed into a black beanie with a teal hoodie that was too big for me, and black pants with Vans. After I got dressed I turned off my alarm then brushed my teeth and looked at my self in the mirror in disgust. I grabbed my backpack and walked over to the kitchen to wait for Canada and my younger siblings to get up. After I waited for a little bit they were all eating breakfast. "Hey bro, your not eating again?" Canada said. I'm not hungry in the mornings. You so also don't eat lunch or dinner ether cadada said. W-well I-I u-Uhhh.
..... I got up and went out side, excluding my self from the  conversation I just had with my brother.

I didn't like how Merica was acting. It was strange. It looks as if to me he's losing more and more weight. I'm starting to get conserned. Especially when he walked way from the conversation we just had. When we were all done I got up and walked out the door with my younger two siblings behind me. Common Meri. I said trying to sound like nothing happened. To help him not feel bad or awkward. We started to walk Australia and New Zealand to their school. Once we got there we said our goodbyes and left for our school. We got on to the school grounds and saw my friend Ukraine. I walked over to her and we started to chat.

I woke up to my alarm clock yet again screaming at me. I got up and got dressed into a black hoodie, blue jeans, and Converse. ( if I even spelled out right) I walked acrossthe Hall to Belarus's room to wake her up. After I woke her up we ate breakfast and left for school. Once we got there and dropped of Belarus, Ukraine started to talk with Canada. Then I saw America.

I walked over to Russia once I saw him. We started to talk, but for some weird reason his cheeks turned slightly pink. So I decided to tease him saying: oOoOo some one has a crush....
I do not! Russia said in reply. Then why are your cheecks pink?  Hmmmm....? Uhhhhh I don't know? Russia.... That was more of a question, then of an answer. O-oh sorry. Its ok! Then the bell rang and we left for advisement ( homeroom).  I was getting my stuff for first period so I just would have to go straight there. Once I got my stuff I turn around to see Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Russia was looking to make sure I wouldn't get hurt. North Korea towering over me, he slapped my things out of my hands, picked me up by my shirt again and threw me  accross the hallway. Ah! I hit the ground and slid. HEY!! I heard Russia scream in anger. DONT DO THAT!!  Why shouldn't we?North Korea said. Because its not a very nice thing to do to my friend!! And just in general! Russia said back. Hah!! Your friends now!? Iran said laughing. Pig and Scum are friends now!! North Korea said. All three of them srarted to laugh. Tell me what do you find fun in bullying the poor kid! What did he do to you!?!?! Iran said: he's fat and useless. Iraq said: its funny and he's a weak pig. North Korea said: The useless pig should go die, he ruined my life by living. Russia froze. I thought about what they said and ran to the bathroom crying. I got the blade out and went to an empty stall. I lifted up my sleeve, unwrapped my bandages, then cut. One cut for every single thing the three boys said about me. After I was done I put the blade back and looked at my arm and saw blood, so I wrapped my arm back up. Then started to cry.

Once I heard the three boys statements I froze in horror. I gave them the coldest look. I pushed Iran down, kicked him. Then I went over to Iraq and punched him in the stomach, then I kicked him. He fell down. I went over to North Korea and I pushed him up against the locker and punched him making his nose bleed. I picked him up my the collar and threw him across the hallway. That's what it feels like to him! They were laying on the floor not wanting to get up. As they were scared. I saw America run to the bathroom crying. So I went in there. As I walked him I heard crying, I walked over to the stall and knocked. America are you ok? I heared mumbleling. America open up. America said W-why? Common please....? F-fine.... He opend it.

I heard somebody walk in and heard my name and a few knocks on the stall door. I didn't agree to open the door as I was in no mood to talk. I heard Russia say common please. F-fine I opened it up and saw him standing with a worried look on his face. I looked up at him and said what? Russia looked down at me saying: Merica are you ok?! I looked up at him. U-Uhhh y-yeah I'm f-fine.... Ok.... I started to cry again. America don't cry its ok.... Russia said. He hugged me. So I hugged back. He made me feel sort of weird a feeling that hasn't been pressent for a long time. I thought is that why his cheeks turned pinkish? I looked back up at him. He smiled warmly at me, I smiled to. His cheeks turning more red-pink.

-----------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP TO LUNCH :3

I walked over to my locker to see America putting his stuff away. Hey Merica! Hi Russia! I opens my locker, threw my stuff in there and slammed it closed. I turned to America. Hey Merica want to walk to lunch together?  Sure! He said. We walked down to the cafeteria. Hey Merica can I-I sit with you? He turned around and looked up at me yeah sure!!  He said. Thanks!  He pointed to the table he usually sits at. Ok meet you there Meri. I walked over to get my lunch. Once I got my lunch I walked over to Mericas table. They all looked at me weird.

I walked over to my lunch table sitting down I said hey guys Russia wants to sit with us today ok? What?! Why?! Canada said. Because he doesn't like his table anymore, he said that there starting to get annoying. When Russia started to sit down the table started to look at him weird. I gave them all a glare and they stopped. Philippians looked at me and said: h-hey A-America, can I talk to you in private once we get out side? Uhhhh sure I guess. Canada saw Ukraine he ran over to her and sat down with her. I looked up at my table and said OoOo somebody has a crush! We started to laugh. After a while of chatting and everybody eating lunch except me. We gatherd up to go outside. I walked with Philippians and Russia by my side. Then once we got out there we went to our bench. Philippians said America come on. Ok I said. Hey guys ill be right back. Once we got tons more private area Philippians said to me: America I-I r-really like you a-and I-I was wondering I-if you would go out with m-me? O-oh w-wow Philippians I never knew you l-liked me. I-I.... I looked down. Philippians your a great friend b-but I'm s-sorry I-I don't like you in t-that way. O-oh o-okay I-I'm sorry then Philippians said. Its Ok no apologies should be coming from you. They should be coming from me. We walked bad Philippians completely heart broken, but I was even sadder that it looked on the outside.

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