Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Devin opened the door and a bouquet of flowers was thrust into his face. He took a hasty step back in surprise and eyed the mix of red and white roses in astonishment.

Allan cocked his head around the flowers and scowled at him, clearly not who he'd wanted to see.

             "I'm flattered and all but I'm seeing someone right now, sorry" Devin said amusement lacing his voice.

Allan lowered the flowers and cleared his throat as he fought the heat that crept up his neck.

             "Sorry my man, I thought it was Juliana" Allan replied as he fought to keep the smile off his face.

 Devin snickered "She only wishes she was this beautiful"

Allan lips twitched "Thank God for the little things"

Devin laughed uproariously and swung the door open wider so he could enter.

             "Come on in, the girls are taking their sweet little time getting ready" Devin explained as Allan strode inside, his gaze taking in everything around him, which brought to mind how people from the military or cops did. Strange.

             "That's fine we've got time"

Devin grunted as he led the way into the living room. "You might as well sit and wait,  Bianca's gonna make sure Julie is all dolled up"

Allan perched on the edge of sofa, as he tuned in to the jumble of voices coming from one of the closed door down the hall. With his supernatural hearing he could make out Julie's sweet honeyed voice that sent delicious tremors down his spine. Then came another feminine voice which he figured was Bianca's.

             "Can I get you anything? Water? Beer? Juice?" Devin asked interrupting Allan's eavesdropping.

 Allan glance over at him where he sat on the other end of the couch flipping through channels on the TV that was across from them.

             "Nope I'm good" he replied as things went a bit silent in the room the girls were in. Damn it! He'd wanted to hear if they were talking about him.

Devin shot him a look before he focused back on his channel surfing.

             "Okay, but try not to frown so hard, they'll be out soon enough." Devin said his tone flat almost bored, but Allan sensed something behind his words. A warning he thought.

The two of them had been talking enough this week so Allan knew how protective Devin was of Juliana. Which is why he hadn't completely lost it when he found out they were living together and the very small fact that Devin was gay.

Not that that counted, Juliana could possibly turn any gay guy straight and maybe he was just biased, at least she would have him if he was ever interested in the other sex, which he was not. 

The door to the room the girls were in opened and he sprang up off the couch so fast his head almost spun. Devin chuckled softly and Allan shot him a glare before refocusing on the doorway willing Juliana to walk through.

He noticed her legs first as they were the first out of the room. In a strappy silver stilettos clasped around her ankle, up her well shaped legs that went on endlessly. She wore a beautiful deep blue chiffon dress that hugged her curves like a gift. 

But it was her face that blew him away. Her gray eyes were highlighted by the smoky eye shadow she wore, her lashes long and beautiful. Her luscious lips a pretty pink that made him want to kiss her then and there. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders.

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