Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Aidan was with his red-haired friend Chantal- or was it Chanel?- whatever,  in the handicap bathroom, with one hand under her blouse, the other kneading her ample breasts  and his face buried in the curve of her neck when he got his brother's frantic message.

          Aidan, Need your help...It happened!

Aidan instantly paled as his head snapped up.  All wolves of the same pack could communicate telepathically, but being twins Aidan and Allan had the ability to speak telepathically on their own personal wave length, almost similar to those only mated couples had.

          What do you mean it happened? There isn't any she-wolves on campus, we would have sensed them.  Aidan projected back at his brother, as he hurriedly righted his red-head's top.

"Wh-what? Where are you going?" she sputtered as she realized that he intended to leave.

"Sorry sweetheart, family emergency" he said to her over his shoulder as he rushed out of the bathroom and went sprinting across campus towards his brother.

Allan projected a sarcastic snort into his mind.

          She's human you moron, my wolf went crazy the minute I caught her scent.

Aidan cursed out loud.  The strain his brother must be under must be unimaginable. A werewolf only got one mate in his lifetime spending most of his life searching for that one female that was fated just for him by the gods.

It was rare that a mate turned out to be mortal, as werewolves life tended to span around five times the normal human years and human's tended to be fragile compared to the werewolves near herculean strength and fast healing genetics, humans and werewolf were incompatible together.

Not to mention the marking that had to be performed, to project to other males that the female was taken.

This cannot be good, Aidan thought as he skirted the history department building where his brother's class was being held. Coming up to the theatre door, he stumbled as he caught the faint scent of strawberry and vanilla.  He fell to his knees in shock, his hand clutching his chest in shock. This couldn't be happening ,he thought as he heard his wolf's projected growl.


Julie was in the middle of jotting down her notes when she heard the sound of shuffling feet behind her, turning she glanced up at the source of the noise.  Her brows went up, as she stared unabashedly at the male who was hurriedly packing his book into his backpack. She'd never seen a finer male specimen in all her years. His raven hair brushed was swept back from his forehead collar, revealing his near perfect masculine face. 

His chiseled jaw was clean shaven and his.... oh, he had the most kissably luscious lips she'd ever seen on a male. There was an aura of power emanating from him that even at such a good distance away she still felt it as it rippled and sizzled in the air around them.  

For the first time in a long time Julie felt a rush of unadultered lust uncoiling in the pit of her stomach. As if sensing her stare he paused as he threw his leather jacket over his shoulder with his bag on his back as if eager to leave, his eyes shot up and caught hold of hers,  she gasped.  He had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, such a dark blue it held hers captive.

As they stared at each other she could see his eyes going dark and swirling like a raging sea in a storm and the way his eyes stared into hers it was as if he was seeing into her soul, Julie felt a shiver run down her spine. 


Devin's voice snapped her out of her lust filled daze so fast her head spun.  She turned back in her seat and looked over at Dev as she released the breath she didn't know she'd been holding, blinking to bring him into focus she finally found her voice enough to answer.

          "Huh?" She managed.

Devin frowned at her. "Are you okay, I thought you were gonna snap your neck the way you had your head twisted"

Clearing her throat she replied "I'm fine, I was just..." Looking over her shoulder to where the blue-eyed god was standing, her heart sank in disappointment,as she saw only his wide shoulders as he pushed through the door in the back without so much as a backwards glance.

          "Who was that" Devin asked startling her. She hadn't even realized that he had shifted in his own seat to look at the spot she had been staring.

          "I have no idea" she replied bewildered by what she had just experienced with her mysterious man. "I think he's new" she said as she came to the realization that she have never seen him anywhere on campus before.

Devin shrugged as he turned back in his seat and focused on where Professor Sandell was lecturing the class on the ancient Celtic civilization. Frowning she turned to glance at the door where her mysterious guy had exited through, she felt so out of sorts she had to wonder if she hadn't imagined him after all.

Sighing in disappointment she turned around in her seat and gave the professor her attention while her thoughts circled around the raven haired guy she had almost convinced herself was just a figment of her imagination.

Allan stumbled out of the class as if hellhounds were on his heels.  Leaning against the wall near the door he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

He couldn't believe a female could unravel his control to such an extreme.  Just thinking about the way her gray eyes had darkened with lust as she gazed up into his eyes did crazy things to his heart rate.

Straightening off the wall, finally getting his emotions on a controllable level he started forward and froze as he saw his brother at the other side of the door on his knees looking pained. 

Rushing to his brother's side, he knelt gripped his shoulder, ignoring the curious looks that were being shot their way.

          "Aidan?" he asked worriedly.  His brother was never one to show weakness, especially around other people, so to find his brother in such a scared him shitless. 

Aidan looked up at his brother knowing his eyes were dark with emotions as he fought to gain control of his wolf.  It was impossible for him and his brother to have found their mates minutes away from each other. He was having such a hard time gaining control of himself and he hadn't even seen her yet, if just a faint scent of her can bring him to his knees what would seeing her, touching her do to him? He feared to even think about it.

          "Please tell me it's totally coincidental that both our mates are in the same room together" he rasped.

Allan shrunk back in shock at his brother's words. But it couldn't be possible; it was unthinkable what his brother was insinuating.

          "That's impossible" he choked out.

          "But it's not unheard of" Aidan claimed, breathing a little easier he rose.  It's was extremely rare for two wolves to have the same mate, especially in this day and age. And where he had heard of such occurrences both males had ended up fighting to the death where the victor was the one who claimed his mate.  He'd rather cut off his arm than hurt his brother.

Rising to stand next to his brother, Allan eyed him suspiciously

          "How do you know she's in the same room as I was as mine currently resides?" Allan asked as fear skittered down his spine.

          "Her scent is leading into the room little brother, its faint but it's there" Aidan explained grimly. They both turned to eye the door with a look of trepidation.  

        "Our mates are different, they have to be.  There is no way the fates would hate us enough to stick us with the same mate" Allan exclaimed heatedly. 

        "Same here little brother, hope you've got your fingers crossed"  Aidan replied a second before the door opened. 

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