Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

She found Devin on the couch in the living room surrounded by books when she went into the apartment when she got home. He had a cup of coffee at his lips and a highlighter in one hand and a book lying on his legs in front of him.

          “Hey Jules, your home early” he said to her as she came to sit next to him.

          “Bill gave me an early night” she replied softly as she took of her shoes.

She lay back wearily on the couch and closed her eyes, but all she saw was sparkling blue eyes that drowned her with their beauty.

          “Are you okay? You seem a bit strung out?” Devin asked worriedly.

          “One of the twins called me today” she said without looking at him.

He tensed up beside her and she smiled inwardly, let him sweat. He was quiet for a few minutes before he finally said something.

          “Uh… I know I shouldn’t have, but you should have seen their faces after you left, they looked like someone stole their favorite toy” he rambled nervously.

She turned and looked at him with a smile “It’s okay, I don’t really mind, not anymore that is”

He breathed a sigh of relief “So which one was it? The one who called you?” he gushed.

She grinned at him “It was Allan, the sweet mysterious one” she said with a dreamy sigh that sent made Devin smile.

          “As opposed to the dark mysterious one”

She giggled “I don’t know much about that one” she said thinking about the other brother with the intense aura; she’d met for all of five minutes.

          “What did you and Allan talk about” Devin said derailing her thoughts to her almost perfect night.

She smiled over at him “He came over by Bill’s earlier and we talked a bit about each other” she revealed with a secretive smile.

          “I knew they were quite taken with you, what happened?” he enthused happily.

She grinned at him and stood up “You know I’m so exhausted” she replied with a fake yawn her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Devin groaned as if in pain “Come on Jules, I knew you wouldn’t have forgiven me that easily” he whined.

She chuckled evilly and kissed him on his cheek “I’m gonna take a shower and try to get some sleep, I’ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow” she replied in a sing-song tone.

She heard Devin gasp at her quiet innuendo and she smiled sweetly back at him and blew him a kiss.

          “Goodnight darling” she called on her way to her room.

Chuckling she let herself into her room and closed the door softly behind her. Serves him right she thought as she got ready for bed.

She took her time in the shower enjoying the warm water as it cascaded over her body. Getting out of the shower she put on her PJ and slid between the covers of her queen size bed and closed her eyes.

For the first time in a long time she had a very pleasant dream. She was in a field of flowers with the sun at her back, wearing a white summer dress. Allan was in the middle of the field reclining on a picnic blanket as he beckoned her closer, she slid next to him on the blanket as the sun shone on them and he pulled her into his arms, with one hand in her unbound hair as he whispered sweet nothings to her.

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