Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Julie had a hard time focusing on what Sandell was going on about, so lost was she in her head, thinking about her imaginary guy.

After the class was finally over she was one of the first packed and ready to go, and of course Devin had to take his sweet little time packing his things as she stood impatiently tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor beside him, she watched the other students exiting the class.

          "For someone so huge you are extremely slow" she snapped exasperatedly.

          "Don't get your panties in a twist powder puff" he replied in a bored tone as he stood up.

She rolled her eyes at him. "I've seen turtles faster than you bud" she shot back at him and he chuckled.

          "What has gotten into you today? You're pricklier than a cactus" he remarked as they made their way down the aisle to the exit, he slung his thick arm over her shoulders and ruffled her hair.

She giggled like a little girl, turning into his chest she bit him. Yelping he pulled her closer to his chest and rubbed his knuckles playfully on her forehead as they made their way through the door laughing like a punch of little kids.

She pushed out of his arms as she dissolved into a fit of laughter; she punched him playfully on his arm.

          "You're such a dope" she gasped out around her giggles as she ran her hand through her dishelved hair trying to get it back into a semblance of order. 

          "Yeah yeah you love me anyways" Devin replied around his own laughter.  As he came up to her he took her arm.

She shrugged nonchalantly as she felt the eyes of those around them staring at them like a bunch of loons but for once, she really didn't care, she really did love this guy.

 "Want me to walk you to your next class sunshine?" he asked.

As she was about to answer she heard a low growl behind her, startled she spun around...her heart stopped.

Her jaw slackened and her mouth formed the shape of an 'O' as she took in the unmistakable sight that stood in front of her face.

Her mystery guy had fucking multiplied! She shook her head slowly. Surely she was mistaken, but no, there were actually two of them and they were looking right at her with such heat in their eyes she took an involuntary step back before she knew what she was doing.

          "Wow" she heard Devin mutter as he too stared unabashed at the gods who stood before them.

She recognized the one in the white shirt as the one that was in her class that she had thought she had imagined, while the new one had on a black t-shirt. Her eyes swung from one to the other as she tried to determine if she really was finally losing it like her aunt.

The only difference she could find was that the one in the black shirt had shorter hair and a day's growth of beard covering his chiseled jaw.  His aura was pulsating with such power and lethal danger it was staggering.

The one in the white had his arm extended across his brother's chest as if to stop him from stepping forward. 

          "I know this is all exciting but you have class in 10 minutes" Devin leaned down to whisper in her hear.  She nodded absently as the one in white shot Devin a baleful look. Dev gave him an innocent look as he held his hands up as if in surrender.

Unruffled, the one in black pushed away his brother's hands and approached her with a slow swaggering gait. While his brother followed behind him shooting killer looks at his brother's back.

Julie blinked as her mouth went dry, this isn't happening, I must be dreaming she thought frantically as two of the hottest guys she have ever seen approach her with such an animalistic gait and magnetism she melted inside.

Aidan came to stop mere inches from his mate and just inhaled her delightful scent.  He looked down at her and gazed into her brilliant gray eyes, he felt like he was being ensnared by her, so caught up was he by her beauty.

          She's exquisite he projected to his brother

          I know and don't even get any ideas, she's mine and I'll rip your throat out if you touch her his brother replied vehemently.

 If anyone else had said those words to him he would have ripped out their throats with his teeth and laughed in their face, but not his brother, he understood too well how he felt as just the thought of his brother or anyone else touching her, claiming her, made him see red.

But he couldn't not touch her beautiful sun-kissed skin. He took her limp hand in his, ignoring his brother's muttered curse.

 She gasped sharply as he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of her hands. He heard her heart start racing as her pupils darkened with unmistakable lust.

          "Hi" he said in a low voice.

Allan snorted at that and nudged his brother away from her and took possession of both her hands, Aidan growled a low warning at his brother who blatantly ignored him. She gasped at his growl and looked over at him a shocked look on her face before she faced his brother who bent low to look directly into her eyes.

          "Excuse my brother love, he's a bit of a Neanderthal" Allan explained with a triumphant glare at his brother before he turned back to her. "I'm Allan Hayes and the gorilla with the bad haircut is Aidan I'm afraid to say...we're related" he added the last bit with a mock mortification.

She laughed at that,  anyone could have guessed the related part.

He saw her friend shake his head at that out of the corner of his eyes, as his brother snorted.

          "Juliana Taylor" she replied hesitantly with a nervous glance over at her friend. "Uh...and my friend Devin Bryan" she indicated to her friend with a nod of her head.

          "Pleased to meet you Juliana" Allan replied huskily ignoring the last part about her friend.

Aidan forcefully pulled one of her hand from his brother's grasp "The pleasure is all mine, Juliana" Aidan said with a charming smile.

She couldn't help but return his smile with one of hers; they were so adorable it made her heart flutter. She looked over at Devin who watched them with an amused expression on his face; he cocked an eyebrow at her.

Turning back to her twins, who stared at her with equal amounts of heat in their eyes that made her heart race and her face to grow hot with embarrassment. They both smiled at her discomfort.

She started to say something when she looked over Allan's shoulder and caught sight of the people who had stopped to watch them; some were snickering behind their hands while others shot her baleful and disgusted glances her way while they whispered to the person.

Her face heating further she looked back at her twins, who still had her hands clasped firmly in their hands. She looked from one to the other but all she could see was Trent's smug face laughing back at hers.

She pulled her hands out of theirs and took a stumbling step away from them; Devin caught hold of her as she stumbled farther back with a look of undisguised anger on her face.

          "Jules, are you okay?" Devin asked in a shocked voice as he righted her.

The one in black- Aidan reached out as if to take her arm frowning at her worriedly but she took another step back. "I'm sorry, did we do something wrong?" he asked in an equally worried tone, he looked over at his brother who wore an equally baffled look of his own.

Shaking her head, she called herself a million kinds of idiot and telling herself she was being silly but she couldn't shake it no matter how much she tried.

          "I'm sorry, I have to get to class" she said as she turned on her heel and walked swiftly away from them feeling their eyes staring after her in shocked silence. 

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