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Liked by samholland1999, yagirly/n, fanaccount1 and 2

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Liked by samholland1999, yagirly/n, fanaccount1 and 2.6 mil others 

tomholland2013: just a little bit longer until i can call you my wife

View all 1.3 mil comments 

zendaya: this is all so exciting! 

paddyholland2004: so, i'm the best man, right? 

fanaccount1: feel free to post about the wedding location so i can come 

fanaccount2: but it's NOT so you can steal tom, right? lol fanaccount1 

harryhollandphotography: this ISN'T settled yet! paddyholland2004 

yagirly/n: i love you so much, tom 

yourbestfriend: i just got my plane ticket! 

user1: is there a way for you to live the wedding so i can watch it? 

samholland1999: agreed! harryhollandphotogrpahy 

fanaccount1: YES! is that possible for them? user1 

yoursibling: congrats, sister 

harrisonosterfield: don't worry, i got you, fam user1 fanaccount1 

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