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Liked by y/nholland, lifeisaloha, samholland1999 and 5

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Liked by y/nholland, lifeisaloha, samholland1999 and 5.6 mil others

tomholland2013: soon 

View all 5.1 mil comments 

y/nholland: you're going to be great with all of our kids 

user1: i like following this pregnancy 

yourmom: i'm so excited about what's happening to your family  

fanaccount1: this pregnancy has got me excited to have my own kids 

paddyholland2004: i'll be an uncle AGAIN?! i mean, i already knew that i would be, but this makes it seem much more real!!! 

nikkihollandphotography: you're doing great, tom 

user2: agreed fanaccount1 

yoursibling: treating her right, i assume? 

tomholland2013: i treat her with nothing less than respect yoursibling 

fanaccount2: i love how yoursibling is constantly checking to make sure y/n is ok and happy. such a good sibling 

harryhollandphotography: i'm the favorite uncle, right? 

harrisonosterfield: ella and james are going to rock the older sibling roles 

user3: do they know the gender yet or are they waiting? 

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