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Liked by tomholland2013, yourbestfriend, user1 and 2

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Liked by tomholland2013, yourbestfriend, user1 and 2.6 mil others

y/nholland: writing is fun, especially when you get writer's block that will. not. leave. 

also, does anyone know any good writing sites? 

View all 1.6 mil comments 

zendaya: watcha working on? 

fanaccount1: so let me get this straight: you're a writer, photographer AND ukulele player? wish i was that talented 

yourbestfriend: look at that penmanship 

user1: have you ever heard of wattpad? 

tomholland2013: i love how talented you are 

fanaccount2: i've got some tips that i found on a website that really help me! now, i NEVER get writer's block www.websitename.com 

lifeisaloha: that's so cool 

y/nholland: trying to finish a novel i've been working on for literally years (gotta love that procrastination) zendaya 

dommoholland: ah, another author 

y/holland: i love you tomholland2013 

y/nholland: no, but i'll look into it! user1 

user2: i'll be the first to buy it when you publish it!!! 

paddyholland2004: go y/n!! 

fanaccount3: literally all the holland's are talented 

user3: i wish i was able to write a novel 

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