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Liked by editor1, yourbestfriend, dommoholland and 3

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Liked by editor1, yourbestfriend, dommoholland and 3.9 mil others 

y/nholland: twin babies + college + a best friend + being married + getting my edited book back COVERED in red ink + being in america for a while = no free time 

View all 3.6 mil comments 

dommoholland: ah, the editing phase. what a lovely time 

editor1: don't be discouraged! it's not the worst first draft i've ever seen. if anything, it's one of the better ones 

tomholland2013: i know you're stressed, but you've got this. i believe in you and i love you 

fanaccount1: bet he regrets going out now lol 

samholland1999: i remember dommoholland editing his book for the first time. he was drinking a LOT of coffee 

fanaccount2: haha, yeah probably fanaccount1

user1: quick, someone try and read what the story's about! 

harrisonosterfield: y/n, you got this! you're extremely talented, and you can do whatever you put your mind to 

dommoholland: i wouldn't say that it was a LOT of coffee . . . maybe just more than ususal? samholland1999 

zendaya: yes! go y/n! get that editing done and get it PUBLISHED!!! 

user2: yesssssssss! get it out to the public! zendaya 

user3: mmmmm. i love coffee samholland1999 

harryhollandphotography: dad, i love you, but it was a lot of coffee dommoholland 

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