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Liked by y/nholland, lifeisaloha, yoursibling and 6

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Liked by y/nholland, lifeisaloha, yoursibling and 6.2 mil others

tomholland2013: my man james 

View all 5.8 mil comments 

zendaya: he's so cute sleeping 

user1: i wish the entire holland family the best in life!!!!!! 

fanaccount1: he's adorable with his little teddy bear! 

y/nholland: tom, i'm so proud of what we've done. i love our family so much 

harryhollandphotography: what a nice family 

yourbestfriend: my bff has such amazing kids; i'm lucky to be their godmother 

user2: he's so cute 

lifeisaloha: what a sweet little guy 

samholland1999: he's so much fun to be around 

fanaccount2: he looks like he's having a really good, happy dream 


a/n: Hey guys! I love that people are still reading this story. It's absolutely C R A Z Y ! ! ! I just wanted to let you guys know that I have another Tom Holland story that I've started and I was hoping that you might check it out? It's called Never Mine, and it would mean the world to me if you would! 

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