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Liked by editor1, dommoholland, paddyholland2004 and 5

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Liked by editor1, dommoholland, paddyholland2004 and 5.9 mil others

tomholland2013: not sure if i was supposed to see this, but y/n's story is seriously coming along. i couldn't help taking a quick peak. . . and i accidentally read the entire thing 

View all 5.5 mil comments 

dommoholland: better not spoil anything 

yourbestfriend: don't feel bad, tom. i'd do the same thing 

fanaccount1: quick! someone zoom in and see what the story's about! 

y/nholland: welp 

editor1: i can't wait to read it y/nholland 

samholland1999: me, harry and paddy'll make sure he doesn't dommoholland

user1: what's the average time it takes to write a novel? asking for a friend 

user2: does she handwrite her ENTIRE NOVEL? 

fanaccount2: well, it's taken y/n since 10th grade. . .  user1 

harryhollandphotography: way to go, tom 

fanaccout3: i literally CANNOT wait for it to come out! 

user3: she's literally so talented 

paddyholland2004: yes we will! samholland1999 

editor1: it all depends! genre, the time you have/put in, character development, plot and several other factors play into writing a story. it can be as long or as short as you want, but (obviously) the longer it is, the longer it will take to write user1 

fanaccount4: i think that she might user2 

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