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Liked by daisyriddle, y/nholland, lifeisaloha and 3

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Liked by daisyriddle, y/nholland, lifeisaloha and 3.1 mil others

tomholland2013: back at it

View all 2.9 mil comments

fanaccount1: the cuuuuurls!!!!!

fanaccount2: yes, we are all in mourning for his curls. let us have a moment of silence fanaccount1

harrisonosterfield: yo, y/nholland, you still wanna go on coffee runs with me?

zendaya: glad you're back to doing your job you dork

fanaccount3: i cannot wait for this movie. the books were SO GOOD

lifeisaloha: tom, i miss you

daisyriddle: it's a pleasure working with you, tom


y/nholland: i'm thinking about it. . . harrisonosterfield

user2: we all do lifeisaloha

fanaccount4: if i go into acting, what are the odds that i'll meet tom?

user2: i want to change my hair to look like yours daisyriddle


a/n: Yeah. . . so I didn't really have a time set for when this book is taking place, but since Chaos Walking is being reshot, I figured, eh what the heck? But I mean, you can imagine it taking place any time you want.

Also, has anyone read the Chaos Walking series? IT. IS. SO. GOOD.

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