V . I screw everything up, again

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I was leaving tonight and that was that. It'd been two days since I'd woken up here, and the desire to leave has done nothing by grow.

My health hasn't improved that much... but I'm getting impatient with the waiting around, growing complacent. I can do that and more from the comfort of the forest, without the prying eyes. Especially Zelda's.

It's obvious we both drive each other absolutely crazy, which is why I don't understand why she keeps visiting me everyday. To smack talk me? I have no clue what her motive is.

At night it's hard to sleep, and I spend most of the day stuck lying down, cursing my injury and my carelessness that landed me in this bed.

Sometimes I'll walk around outside, (and yes, I wear a shirt) but I end up just feeling like I'm in the way, a waste of space to everyone. More reason to leave then.


It's well past midnight and I'm wide awake in bed, staring out the window to check for movement below. Since Hyrule is at war, it's only natural there's guards posted around the perimeter of the ranch, so I'll have to avoid those guys.

It may not be a walk in the park, but it won't be impossible. And besides, I've had experience shirking detection before. As "intimidating" as these soldiers may seem, the ones from the castle seemed as dense as bricks to me. And the Gerudo guards aren't much better.

My mind drifts back to that Gerudo from a few days ago, who absolutely wrecked me. Okay... maybe they're quite a bit better... but I was more competent then. I don't know... but I'm not expecting a challenge or confrontation.

One immediate problem I face though is getting my stuff back. Zelda, probably assuming I'd take the stuff and run, (lucky guess) stashed it somewhere so I couldn't get it. It's tucked right in her guest room. Great.
And while getting it from a sleeping Zelda would be easy... she's apparently nocturnal. No joke.

She's up so late, planning and strategizing. I can see it on her face the next day, continuously getting more run down, the dark circles under her eyes are beginning to look like bruises.

Since I've been planning my escapade for the last few days, I snooped on her to see when she does finally conk out. And it's really super duper late... almost dawn, for crying out loud.

I decide I'll just head over to the room and wait. I slink out of bed, tiptoeing to the door. I twist the handle as quietly as I can, opening the door. It squeaks.

I hold my breath, glued to the door, listening for some signs of movement.
I'm so paranoid... I feel like I can hear voices and noises around the house.

Time to move on. I slip down the hallway to the guest room, where Zelda's staying. Dim light spills out from under the door.

I bite my lip in annoyance, pondering how I want to proceed. If she's awake... maybe I can trick her into thinking she's dreaming... no, that's stupid, she's not gonna fall for that. I'll think of something.

I inch the door open (this one doesn't squeak) and peek in, seeing the lantern is still lit on the table, producing light.

Zelda is sitting next to it, her head slumped against the map of Hyrule she has spread out, for strategy purposes I assume. Notes are scrawled around her and the quill she still has clasped in her hand has made a nice stain. She's out like a light.

I take a deep breath and walk in, trying to be as quiet as possible, panicking inside my head... what if she wakes up? She's gonna kill me... oh geez, I don't to die at her hands. I make my way around her, as far away as I can until I'm practically hugging the wall. My belt is handing off the bed frame, just waiting for me to put it back on. Why'd she have to take it?

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