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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;

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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;

 and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein 

<< Suspicion >>

Dakota glances over at Sam when she hears him whispering to Jody, what grabbed her attention was the confusion and stress in his tone. Dakota elbows Dean, he groans and glares down at her with raised eyebrows.

"One, that's payback for earlier." Dakota says, holding up one finger. "And two, look." 

"What's going on?" Dean questions his brother and Jody as he walks over to them, Dakota right on his heels. 

"Uh..." Jody awkwardly starts, she looks to Sam for help before nervously glancing between Dean and Dakota. 

"Jody thinks that mom--"

"No, I don't think. I know." Jody cuts Sam off, annoyance layering her tone and expression. Her voice raising with each other, Dakota's hand twitches towards her angel blade. "I know she's a demon!" Jody ends in a shout, raising her hand to point at Mary across the room. 

Mary looks confused, Bucky freaks out and grabs his knife out, holding it towards Mary.

"Hey." Mary tries to calm him down, holding her hand out towards him. 

"Kill her! Use the knife! Kill her now!" Jody pleads with Dean, Dakota stares at her for a long time before moving her gaze towards her grandmother.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" Sam shouts towards Bucky, stopping him in his tracks. "Hold on a second. Jody, you..."

"That's not Jody." Dakota whispers towards Sam, her uncle glances down at her for a quick second before turning back to the woman. 

"You don't sound like yourself." Sam continues, agreeing with Dakota. 

"That's because she's not herself." Dean adds, placing a hand on Dakota's shoulder, moving her behind him. "Are you?" 

Jody moves her gaze back towards the Winchesters, tilting her head as her whole body language shifts. Jody starts laughing hysterically, grinning widely at the hunters around her. Dakota's jaw clenches, she grips her blade tighter in her hand. 

"Can't blame a girl for tryin'." Jody shrugs, pouting at Dakota for a second before returning to her grin and flashing her eyes red. Dakota licks her lips in frustration, taking a couple steps to the side, walking around Sam and Dean.

"I had so hoped that you'd kill your mom!" Jody starts to throw a tantrum like a child, Dakota shifts her weight as she tilts her head to the side, mimicking Cas unknowingly. "Wouldn't that be a riot?"

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