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"Keep your face to the sunshine and

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"Keep your face to the sunshine and

you cannot see a shadow." -Helen Keller

<< Wannabe Rock Stars  >>

"Mrs. Greenfield has lost a lot of blood." A male nurse tells the four men as Dakota waits back a few feet, acting like she wasn't paying attention.

A sketchbook was open in her lap, a dark picture glaring back at her. She grimaces at the sight of her own drawing, she didn't realize what she was drawing until she finished. She tunes out the nurse telling her family and Crowley more about Mrs. Greenfield. She traces her fingers over one of the lines in the drawing, taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it. She drew one of her memories from Purgatory, it was when she got separated from Dean.

"Dakota?" Cas says, tapping on Dakota's shoulder. She gasps and wheels around, Cas takes the sketchbook out of her hands before she could collect herself.

"Sorry, what?" She looks up at him, trying to grab her sketchbook.

"What is this?" Cas asks, sitting in the chair her.

Dakota sighs and shifts around in her chair uncomfortably. "I didn't realize what I was drawing."

"What is it?" The angel repeats, looking up at Dakota with concern shining in his blue eyes.

"It''s Purgatory." She admits quietly, fidgeting with her hands nervously.

Cas places a hand on Dakota's shoulder, making the girl look over at him.

"Dakota, if you need to talk...I'm here." He tells her softly, she nods in agree and looks down.

"Yeah, no, I know, Cas. I appreciate that, but it's hard to talk about, you know?" Dakota says, glancing at him before moving her eyes away.

"Is there something else bothering you?"

Dakota hesitates, taking back her sketchbook and closing it. She sighs again and runs a hand through her hair, tugging at it in frustration.

"Dakota?" Castiel urges, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"Lucifer is messing with my mind, I think." She confides, lowering her gaze. She places her head in her hands, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"What do you mean?"

"I keep seeing things, memories really, but they happen randomly. Like one minute I'll be standing with dad and Sammy, the next minute I'm in the middle of Purgatory running for my life. It's not just Purgatory anymore, I'm seeing Lucifer, Sammy jumping into the pit, dad dying, anything disturbing that's happened to me--I'm reliving it."

Dakota winces as Lucifer's voice echoes through her head, screaming insulting things as jokes. Cas face contorts in worry, he presses fingers against Dakota's forehead, in an attempt to heal her mind from it's horrors.

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