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This chapter is dedicated to Dakota's co-parent @mellilla-rose, because her comments always make me smile. She's also my honorary best friend. Enjoy!

"I think unhappiness comes from unfulfilled

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"I think unhappiness comes from unfulfilled

expectations." -Katie West, The Distance Between Us

<< The Not So Brady Bunch >>

Flashback (2010)

Dean knocks on the door with red rimmed eyes, a sleeping Dakota held tightly in his arms. Both Winchesters were restless and incredibly distraught, Dakota had finally cried herself to sleep, clinging to Dean even in her sleep.

The door opened, revealing a very confused Lisa Braeden.

"Hey, Lisa." Dean greeted, his voice breaking.

"Oh, thank God." Lisa breathed in relief, her eyes darted from Dakota to Dean and back again. "Are you all right?"

Dean hesitated, like he wasn't sure about his answer. He looked around, not wanting to meet Lisa's eyes, adjusting Dakota as he nods slightly. "Yeah. Uh, if it's not too late, I...think I'd like to take you up on that beer."

A sad smile broke out on Lisa's face, nodding her head and opening the door a little further. "It's never too late."

Dean stepped into the doorway and Lisa pulled him and Dakota into a hug. Dakota murmured Sam's name and pulled herself further into Dean's arms, Lisa wrapped herself around both Winchesters.

"It's okay." Lisa soothed, Dean squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to hold back tears. His face slightly screwed up, forcing back his sobs. "It's gonna be okay."

Dean tightened his arms around both Lisa and his daughter, digging his face into Lisa's shoulders as his tears broke free.


Dean sat a the table, his face blank of emotion, Ben sat across from him in confusion. Lisa was in the kitchen, grabbing the last of their supper.

"You okay?" She asked Dean, walking forward with a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Dean took a drink of his scotch, glancing up at the woman. "Yeah, I'm good." He answered with his lips pressed together.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and begun to grab different foods from the table, occasionally passing things to Ben.

"Should we wake up Dakota?" Ben questioned, his eyes darting to the living room where Dakota was sound asleep.

"No." Dean immediately said, his voice stern, he cleared his throat and forced a smile to Ben. "No, she needs sleep."

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