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"I love my brothers' kids

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"I love my brothers' kids. It's funny--as 

an uncle, you become so protective of them." -Liam Hemsworth

<< Sammy Becomes A Protector >>


Dakota giggled as she saw her dad come out of the apartment building dressed as a sheriff. They were in Hibbing, Minnesota, on a case.

Dean gave his daughter a wink as he passed her, briefly tickling her sides to her shriek with laughter. Sam chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

Dakota, only being five, had to sit in the Impala while they questioned people. Bobby was too busy to take her, so she was with the boys on the case. She mainly would help Sam on research, which she would just play with his hair as he read the books to her.

She still struggled with reading, having never gone to school. Dean taught her in his spare time, working on reading, writing, and spelling. Sam handled the math and anything else Dean didn't understand.


Dakota was asleep in Sam's lap, as him and Dean were discussing the case in a bar. Nobody seemed to question the five year old's presence. Dean was throwing darts while occasionally glancing at his daughter.

"So, the local police have now ruled out foul play." Sam informed his brother, adjusting Dakota in his lap. "Apparently there were signs of a struggle."

"They could be right--could just be a kidnapping." Dean admitted. "Maybe this isn't our kind of gig."

"Yeah, maybe not." Sam relented, before pausing. "Except for this. Dad marked the area, Dean, 'possible hunting grounds of a Phantom Attacker'." He quoted.

"Why would he even do that?" Dean questioned, placing a hand on Dakota's head and brushing her hair back as he took a drink of his beer.

"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, then vanishes." Sam answered. He passed Dakota off to Dean, the child grumbled angrily at being disturbed. "He found this, too."

Dean hushed his daughter, rubbing her back soothingly.

"This county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state." Sam continued, Dean hummed as he thought about it.

"That is weird." Dean agreed before going back to his dart game. Dakota still placed on his hip, her head tucked into his neck.

"Yeah. And that is irresponsible." Sam pointed out, gesturing to Dakota. "Give her to me."

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