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Billl.Denbrough Hey Stan!

StanleyTheManly hey bill

StanleyTheManly this is awkward, but do you want to hangout?

Billl.Denbrough uh sure, but rich told me you probably didn't want to talk to me ?

StanleyTheManly yeah I didn't, but I'll make an acceptance just for you.


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liked by BevvyMarsh, Billl.Denbrough, StanleyTheManly, BigDxckRich and 99,646 others

StanleyTheManly @Billl.Denbrough  Met this cutie today! Thanks rich I owe you one. @BigDxckRich
BevvyMarsh Woah never thought that Stan would say the word cutie.

BigDxckRich your are so welcome my good sir! You owe me a good ole date with your pal Eddie 😩🥵

StanleyTheManly @BigDxckRich bet.

Billl.Denbrough thanks Stan I had a great time! 💗

BevvyMarsh @Billl.Denbrough eeeeeee my boyz ❤️💓❤️💓❤️💓

Stenbrough4lyfe Omg omg omg! It's sailing, I love you guys 🥰

Eddie_K wow Stan! Come over so you can tell me more about Bill!

StanleyTheManly @Eddie_K okay also @BigDxckRich your welcome 😫

Hater2.0 Ew omg, how could bill ever see something Stan

Billl.Denbrough Stan is an amazing person, I don't know what your problem is, but you can leave.

BevvyMarsh 🍵🍵 Tea

StanleyTheManly @Billl.Denbrough Thanks Bill! 💓

Billl.Denbrough @StanleyTheManly no problem cutie 😘 (This comment has been deleted)

Denbrough @StanleyTheManly no problem cutie 😘 (This comment has been deleted) ____________________________________

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