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Long Chapter (this actually took me a long time to write and it isn't even good)
*Smut* *My second time writing it, go easy on me!*
The kiss was more than both of them could image.
The sweet taste of each other's lips were more than they could describe.
Lips moving together smoothly.
Hands roaming.

Stan pulled away slowly a smile on his face.

"I think he's going to stay here, with me." Another smirk made its way onto Stan's pretty face.

"You can't be serious!" Fuming, Jane left the house, her angry steps making a loud stomping noise, as she walked out the door, and with a slam she was gone.

"Holly shit!" Were the first words that Bill has said since the kiss. Laughter filled the house, and ease filled the room.

"Do that again." And with no hesitation Stan cupped Bill's handsome face into his hands and connected their lips together again.

This kiss was filled with want and need, tongues slotting together, Bill grabs Stans hips, making their bodies flush against each other, Bill breaks the kiss pulling a whine out of Stan.

"Shh, baby. Upstairs?" With a nod of his head Stan grabbed Bill's hand as he leads him to his bedroom.
"On the bed" Stan did as told, the bed dipped under his weight.

"Good boy" A chill ran through Stans spine and straight to his cock, it twitching with interest.

"Bill please.." Stan whined out, his hard cock straining against his jeans he was become more and more uncomfortable, he needed out of them.

"What do you need?" Bills voice sounded dominant, and deep. He locked his lust filled eyes with Stans; Stan sat, face red with embarrassment, he didn't want to beg.

Bill slowly started to undress making Stan choke on air, Bill was absolutely beautiful to Stan.

"Stany?" Bill now stood completely naked in front of  Stan, cock long hard and leaking, ready to be touched. They didn't call him 'Big Bill' for nothing.

Stans thoughts went haywire, thinking about all the things he wanted Bill to do to him.

"Stan?" Bill was now right in front of him, Bill started to unbutton Stan denim jeans. Stan made eye contact with Bill, still mesmerized by the man in front of him he didn't say a word, jeans now at his ankles. Bill grabs Stans face making him look him in the eye, dominance ran through Bills veins.

"Stany baby?" Bill palms Stan through his boxers, pleasure ran through Stans entire body causing a soft moan to come out of his pretty lips.

"If you want to be a good boy, you have to tell me what you want." The pressure on his dick stoped. Bill was waiting for a reply.

"Bill please." A whine made its way out of Stans mouth, he didn't want to beg, or say what he wanted, he just wanted Bill to take control.

"Please what?" Bill really didn't want to drag this out, but in all honesty he needed to know what his boy wanted, he didn't want to do the wrong thing.

Stanley was frustrated.

"Bill just fuck me already!"
And Bill did just that.

Clothes were taken off in a flash, lips slotted together, hands roaming, boys moaning.

"Bill please, please, please" Stans mouth was just going on and on, words flying out without thought.

"Hold on baby.." with little to no struggle Bill leaned over Stans body to grab a condom out of his side drawer.

With skill Bill rolled the condom over his hard length.

"Are you ready?" Bill looked at Stan for conformation. Stan nods.
Bill lined up his cock with Stans hole, and slowly pushed in, not wanting to hurt him.

"Please Bill"

And with that Bill pushed all the way in, bottoming out.

"Holy shit.." Bill had never felt something so good in his life, the way Stan felt around him was indescribable.

Stan let out a shaky breath "Bill?"

With staggering breaths Bill responded "yeah?"

"I love you"

"I love you too."

And with those words Bill started moving slowly, experimenting; he pulled all the way out and slammed back in.

"Fuck!" Stan moaned loudly. The moan filled Bills ears giving him a boost of confidence. He continued the slow pace, but it wasn't enough.

"Bill" Stan moaned out.

"Yeah baby?

"Faster please" Stan clawed at Bills back leaving angry red lines in his nails wake, legs crossing over Bills waist pulling him closer.

Bill did as told, wanting to please Stan.

Bills hips moved in a fluid motion, a steady pace was set but that wasn't enough.

"Bill, I need more!"

Bill started snapping his hips, fucking Stan deep and hard.

"Oh shit!" Curse words flew out of both of their mouths.

"Bill,bill,Bill, I'm so close" Stan squeezed his eyes shut tightly, as waves of pleasure ran down his body, his organism hit in hard, eyes rolling to the back of his head, and legs shaking at every thrust Bill gave him.

"Oh fuck!" At the sight of Stan coming Bill came as well, seed filling the condom; He slowed his pace riding out their highs.

"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Stan would never be able to have sex with another person again, he's never felt that good ever.

"What do you mean?" Pulling out of Stan and throwing the condom away Bill cleans them both up.

"Just wow"


"Yeah, wow."

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