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how do you feel about me adding the Stranger Things characters?

how do you feel about me adding the Stranger Things characters?——————————————————————————-

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liked by Eddie_K, Billl.Denbrough, Jane.11, BigDxckRich and 99,646 others

WillyWill high as a fucking kite 💨

Eddie_K very cute will ❤️

BigDxchRich that was some good shit 🙅‍♀️

Billl.Denbrough @BigDxckRich we need to talk.

Mike.HotWheeler holy shit Will

Jane.11 we got fucked up 🤪

Jane.11 @Billl.Denbrough come to the next party with me?

Billl.Denbrough @Jane.11 of course anything for you Jane!

WillyWill @Jane.11 @Billl.Denbrough ew get out of my comment section.

Eddie_K @WillyWill @BigDxckRich come over?💨
Ohhh something new 👀

Eddie_K @WillyWill @BigDxckRich come over?💨———————————————————————————Ohhh something new 👀

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liked by Eddie_K, StanleyTheManley, Jane.11, BigDxckRich and 1,000,235 others

TeenNews we have our Suspicions that Instagram star @Billl.Denbrough is cheating on his current girlfriend @Jane.11 with @StanleyTheManly we have seen the two boys together this past week without the others. Is something going on?

StanleyTheManly his what?

Jill-Fan02 holy shit!

Stenbrough4lyfe I'm pretty sure Bill is with Stan...

Eddie_K omg 💀 I am way to high for this right now

Hater2.0 I told you guys Stan was bad news 🙄

Jane.11 Bill would never cheat on me, this is just a rumor.

BigDxchRich @Jane.11 yeahhh.

TeenNews @StanleyTheManly Stan! Please confirm or deny.

BigDxchRich @StanleyTheManly I'm so sorry Stan I didn't tell you, I forgot.

TeenNews @BigDxckRich ohh another scandal.

BevvyMarsh I thought Bill broke up with that whore

Billl.Denbrough she's not a whore bev. @BevvyMarsh

Mike_H  @StanleyTheManly Stan dm me, okay. I will explain everything.


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