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liked by Eddie_K, MikeHotWheels, WillyWill, TeenNews and 99,646 others

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liked by Eddie_K, MikeHotWheels, WillyWill, TeenNews and 99,646 others

Jane.11 Fuck you 2 😘

Stenbrough4lyfe I think this is getting out of hand...

BevvyMarsh congrats you slut

WillyWill El, Stans not doing good..

Jane.11 @WillyWill okay and?

BigDxchRich you're disgusting

JillFan You guys are over reacting Stan started this whole thing first 🙄

TeenNews @WillyWill what happened with Stan? Please we would like to know to inform the community.

Mike_H @TeenNews Stan wouldn't want his information out there, he will let his fans know when he's ready.

Billl.Denbrough I love you jane. I promise.

Eddie_K @Billl.Denbrough Bill you're fucked.

Hater2.0 I told you guys Stan wasn't good for you.

Billl.Denbrough @Hater2.0 Stans perfect, I'm the one who's not good enough (comment deleted)

0 Stans perfect, I'm the one who's not good enough (comment deleted) ———————————————————————————

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