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liked by Eddie_K, Billl

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liked by Eddie_K, Billl.Denbrough, Jane.11, BigDxckRich and 1,000,000 others

StanleyTheManly Fuck you.
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"I can't trust anyone." Sobs raking Stans small body, his hands shaking furiously; On the verge of a panic attack. Buzz the sound of Stans phone ringing on the glass coffee table alerted him, pulling his hands from his face he answered the phone.

"Hello?" His voice utterly cracked and broken.
"S-Stan?" Bill...
"Don't call me again." And with that he ended the call and turned his phone completely off.

"All I wanted was for someone to love me."
"S-shit!" With a frustrated groan Bill tried to call Stan again...no answer. He slammed his phone into this bed in anger, all he wanted to do was apologize, and Stan wasn't letting him. He loved Jane with all his heart. But he loved Stan just a little more. Bill was confused and hurt and the only way he knew how to get rid of those emotions were to drink them away.

Bill downed bottle after bottle, he was wasted...there was a soft knocking at his door which he ignored, and instead of answering he took another swig of alcohol.

"Bill?" The brown wood door to Bills bedroom creaked open to reveal a tried looking Mike.

"y-y-Yeah?" Bill sounded so sad, he was as quite as a mouse, Mike could nearly hear him.

"I'm here to listen." Mike knew what would have came out of the situation, he's already been to Stans to comfort him, and now it's bills turn. Mike Sat on the ground beside bills bed, and sat patiently.

"I-l l-lov-e-e him so m-much mike." Sober Bill would have never owned up to this, but drunk Bill would.

"I know billy, I know."

" ———————————————————————————

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