Chapter 13

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There was two sharp raps on the door.
"I'm indecent!" Victoria yelled towards the door. She sprung over to her dresser and pulled on one of the few pairs of pants she owned.
"It's just me" Remy spoke through the door.
Victoria wipes he tears from her eyes and sat at the edge of her bed. "Come in."
Remy opened the door. Dressed in a pressed jacket and proper attire down to his shiny loafers, Victoria knew he was going out. He walked over and sat next to her on the bed.
"Are you alright?" Remy asked with a raised eyebrow.
Victoria looked at the floor, avoiding his gaze. "I'm fine. I'm just tired is all."
"Vic, I know when you don't tell me the truth"
"It was a long night Remy, I'm still getting used to living here and fitting in." Victoria looked at him and her eyes welled again.
"You looked gorgeous last night. The most beautiful woman in the room. That's how they will all know you and see you." He said assuringly.
Victoria looked down at her bare chest, she wished, as she had many times before, that she was born with breasts. But Remy's words settled in her mind. Everyone at the gathering saw her as woman, no gawking glances, no questions, no whispers.
"I suppose you are right," she said, "But I will always worry."
He took her hand, "My dear, as I've said before and will anytime you need to hear, your parts do not define you. It's what's in here," he pointed to her forehead, "and what's in here." He said pointing to her heart.
"Thank you Remy," Victoria sniffled, "your wife will be a lucky woman."
Remy chuckled "I have to find her first. That's what I came to tell you. I'm going into to town to a social. Would you like to join?"
"Not today. I need some rest." She said.
Remy stood from the bed and wrapped her in a tight hug.
"You rest, I will bring home some pastries for later." He said. Victoria smiled at her best friend. He strode towards the door and grabbed the handle. "Victoria"
She looked up.
"Our world is changing. Look at this country, it's freedom and progress. Vic, someone will love you one day with no judgment. With kindness and patience," he opened the door and then hesitated. "I promise."
Tears fell down her face. "Thank you Remy."
"Who knows, the whole town was at the party last night, you may have met them already." He said with a shrug and departed.

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