The Art Club Members*

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Soon I reached the parking lot with the empathetic redhead.

"(Y/nnn)!!" Deidera dragged out before pulling me away from Sasori. "We were so worried!"

"I'm fine, Dei." I half smiled at his concern and over enthusiasm.

"Are you sure?" He held me closely, being the overprotective blonde that he is. "If you want, I can take you home and just say you were kidnapped or something. The teachers won't even notice!"

"I'm fine..." I sweatdropped.

I looked at the other art club members. Most of them were juniors. I only really knew Konohamaru and his friends. Then there was like two other seniors but I barely had class with either of them. In total, there is 10 art club members.

"Well you might not be fine after hearing this..." Kimimaro said, the other senior boy in the art club.

"What?" I asked him, giving all my attention on him. Deidara sighed.

" I spoke to Kurenai sensei. Apparently the board says that if we don't have at least have another 5 members added by the end of the week, they will cancel the art show." Deidera said, causing my eyes to shift towards him and widen in surprise.

"What!?" I was shocked. "But why?"

"Apparently the school only encourages extra activities that the students sport." Sasori explained with crossed arms.

"Well..." I tried thinking of something to say, I looked at everyone's faces and saw the hopeful look they gave me...they expect me to have a plan...guess I can't blame them since I've always been Ms Positivity before my break up with Sasuke...

"We got this!" I exclaimed with a grin. "Just 5 more members? We can get more than that, we're in a huge ass school after all! There's bound to be people who'd be willing to join."

"You really think so!?" Konohamaru's female friend, Moegi exclaimed with just as much enthusiasm.

"Well of course she does!" Konohamaru took on a hero stance. "If my big sister (Y/n) says it, then there's no doubt we'll get 5 more members. Heck, if we really put our minds to it then we can get another 10!"

This knuckelhead reminds me so much of another certain knuckelhead.

"Yeah!" A few of the other members exclaimed.

"Okay, here's the plan!" Deidera stepped foward. "Encourage your friends to join! We'll make posters and pamphlets and hand them out! Spread the word! We just need 5 names of people willing to join! That's all!"

"Kimimaro and Tayuya you're in charge of the pamphlets and posters. We need them by tomorrow morning." Sasori begun handing out tasks.

This is how we worked: Deidera, Sasori and I were the main organisers of the club. We came up with most of the ideas, we told people what to do and help them along the way, we encourage everyone. We make this a family. And soon that will be Konohamaru and his friends.

"How many pamplets would you need?" Kimimaro asked with a monotone voice.

"And posters?" Tayuya added.

"Make it 100 pamphlets and 25 posters." I stepped foward. " Just concentrate on the design for now. When you're done then text us pictures of it on the group chat. Just make the design colorful and eye catching but mostly make sure it protrays how much fun people can have in the club."

"Sure, (Y/n)." Kimimaro smiled softly before turning away with Tayuya and then begun discussing ideas.

"Glad to see you still have some spirit left in you." Deidera pulled me into a side hug.

"She's annoyingly too hard headed to break. A stupid break up definitely didn't change her." Sasori scoffed. Deidara then pulled him into his other side. Having both his arms wrapped around Saisori and I.

"That's probably the nicest thing you've said all day!" Dei teased. I laughed with the blonde as Sasori tried to get out the group hug, throwing insults and death threats left and right.

Soon the bell rung, signaling the start of class.

Just a short chapter since I haven't updated in a loooong ass time. Things have just been crazy and I just don't have time to write like I'll have some inspiration but I won't have the time to just sit and write and by the time I do, I lost inspiration....hope you guys can forgive me...

Check out my other stories for more material ♥♥♥

Chances (Modern!Naruto Various x reader) {Disconnected}Where stories live. Discover now