Only One

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Author : midorihaven
Original publish on : archieve of our own | 2012
Author notes : Inspired by the movie "Itsuka no Kimi e" , When I first posted this on LJ a year ago the original title to my fic was "There Is Only One"


Leeteuk first met Heechul when the new student barged into drama club without so much as an introduction. He sat alone in the corner with his eyes hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses and he spoke to no one.

Dubbed the new "Ice Queen," Heechul was popular for his good looks and tall, slender figure. Had he been born a girl, Leeteuk was sure Heechul would've broken the hearts of the entire male student body. He was already breaking hearts of half the boys in class with just a smirk of his plump lips. Leeteuk admitted to only being slightly jealous of the new student's effortless popularity.

Leeteuk was the drama club president. He possessed a generally cheerful personality and ingratiated himself with everyone. Well, almost everyone, Heechul snubbed him at every friendly greeting. Leeteuk decided that Heechul was, to put it simply, a bitch.

When the drama club released a new play, Heechul spoke to the class for the first time. He recited a line and they were blown away. For the first time in two years Leeteuk was not the lead. He admitted to his friends, with puffy cheeks, that he was jealous.

Leeteuk found himself studying, or rather: staring at, Heechul more and more often. He wondered what made the other boy tick. How could a guy with such a rotten personality have so much charisma that he was in fact, likable? Leeteuk dubbed Heechul as a "dangerous" entity and kept his distance.

It was time to build a set for the new play and Leeteuk had volunteered to work atop the highest scaffolding even though he was afraid of heights. He felt like he had to do it because he was the leader, the drama club president. The only other person to volunteer for the job was Heechul. Even though he cursed his rotten luck for being paired off with the Ice Queen, Heechul had saved him from a nasty fall. Leeteuk had lost his footing and Heechul's quick reflexes had saved him. As he was dangling by one arm clasped in Heechul's hand, he thought to himself "This skinny bitch is strong."

He stared at Heechul even more often after the accident. He decided that Heechul was more beautiful than handsome and the only thing that kept him from being mistaken for a girl was the short, roman-style haircut. Not everyone could pull off such a severe haircut, but it gave Heechul a masculine quality that balanced out his delicate features. Leeteuk sighed to himself and his friends joked that he had fallen in love.

One day Heechul was absent from school. As the class rep and drama club president (not because he was curious), Leeteuk decided to drop off the day's assignments at Heechul's home. When no one answered he sighed in defeat. On his way home he saw the missing student laughing it up in front of an arcade. He stomped over to lecture the delinquent about playing hooky, but ended up apologizing profusely when the person introduced himself as Heenim, Heechul's twin brother. Heechul was at home sleeping off the flu.

Leeteuk found Heenim a lot easier to get along with than his older brother. The boy was quick-witted and jovial. He had friends in every corner and made new ones on the spot. Heenim had his flaws though. He would smoke and Leeteuk would snatch the cigarette away and dispose of it. He would drink and Leeteuk would pull him away from bars while lecturing like a mother hen. Heenim would call Leeteuk a spoil sport which the older boy would resent, but the unpredictable Heenim apologized one day by kissing Leeteuk full on the lips. The drama club president turned beet red and thought he would faint on the spot. His first kiss stolen by a boy!

Maybe it was because Leeteuk had been spending so much time with Heenim, but he began to find it wasn't so hard to get along with Heechul after all. All of Heechul's gruff mannerisms slid off of Leeteuk like water off a duck's back, because he knew that the student possessed an angelic smile. He had seen Heenim smile like that and imagined Heechul's would be exactly the same. It was, but better. Heechul's soft smiles would catch him off guard and send his heart flying erratically.

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